The Student Room Group

Access to Leeds 2024 entry

For those applying for A2L for next year, how much are you writing in the "applicant statement" box on the application form? I don't want to just waffle on but I'm struggling to write about how I think mental health has disrupted my education without making it sound like a sob story
Hiya, I wouldn’t worry about it sounding like a sob story as that is kind of the point. If you are struggling with mental health issues, then this is perfectly valid - no need to feel apologetic about it (although this is pretty classic!). You do want it to be factual and genuine though, obviously, in which case the circumstances should be clear, so waffle is not needed. If you want to message me, I’d happy to have a read over what you have written and help if I can. My daughter has received confirmation of her eligibility for A2L - just needs an offer now! 🙉🤞🙏
Reply 2
HI There
Which subjects you are applying for? If you are applying for medicine/ dentistry do you get interview as given?
Hi, does anybody know once you have submitted your application to Leeds and received confirmation of eligibility for A2L when you are likely to hear back re. an offer?
Hi, I already sent off my UCAS application but not yet the access2leeds one. Will they reject me if they see my application yet not the access2leeds, as I don't have the grades the course I want to study for requires?
Original post by Anonymous #2
Hi, does anybody know once you have submitted your application to Leeds and received confirmation of eligibility for A2L when you are likely to hear back re. an offer?

i second this question, i got an email saying I'm eligible for A2L, just hoping for my offer now. Does anyone know how long they take?
im in 2nd year but just to give context i also applied using A2L, leeds take a while to send out offers. I got mine in March.

so dont worry and stay patient
Reply 7
Original post by Alicat999
Hiya, I wouldn’t worry about it sounding like a sob story as that is kind of the point. If you are struggling with mental health issues, then this is perfectly valid - no need to feel apologetic about it (although this is pretty classic!). You do want it to be factual and genuine though, obviously, in which case the circumstances should be clear, so waffle is not needed. If you want to message me, I’d happy to have a read over what you have written and help if I can. My daughter has received confirmation of her eligibility for A2L - just needs an offer now! 🙉🤞🙏

Hey can I enquire about your daughters pathway to being accepted for A2L, I’m looking to apply
Reply 8
Hi guys
Do you know what UCAT score was invited for interview
So I'm applying to access to Leeds. It says you're still eligible if a parent has completed a degree during your secondary education. It doesn't specify what type of delivery. My mum has completed her masters degree this year and I live in a low participation area so I believe I'm eligible. But when I tried to complete the form this was what came up. WHAT DO I DO?! I NEED TO FINISH THIS TODAY!

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