The Student Room Group

Online assessment centre (OAC) Border force officer

(edited 4 months ago)

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Original post by jay23890
Hi all,

I wanted to ask has anyone done the OAC for the border force role?
I have passed my assessments (games etc), then the written test. I am now awaiting to do the Live online strength based interview.

My question - is the interview pre-recorded? or will there be a live panel interviewing? Many people on here have mentioned that there are 16 questions and once each is completed, you click next? this seems like it's pre-recorded.

As the interview mentions live online assessment I was thinking a Panel will be conducting the interview?

Any advice will be good, Many Thanks

Have you had your interview yet? I have mine next week
Reply 2
did you have your interview?
Reply 3
Morning , had mine already 10-12 questions you have to talk for up to 2 minutes on each question , all strength based questions like tell us about a time you had to ... , hoping to hear back from them soon been 2wks since I took mine . Live interview with someone asking questions and a person overseeing the proceedings as well , good luck
(edited 1 year ago)
Reply 4
I had mine today. Felt I flopped it ☹️ Was over in 10-15 mins so i’m not sure if i’ll get through to the next stage. I prepared for every question but the ones I got! Oh well…
How did you get on? Had your results yet?
Original post by Bal74
Morning , had mine already 10-12 questions you have to talk for up to 2 minutes on each question , all strength based questions like tell us about a time you had to ... , hoping to hear back from them soon been 2wks since I took mine . Live interview with someone asking questions and a person overseeing the proceedings as well , good luck

How did you get on?
Anyone heard anything yet? I had my interview a month ago and keep getting emails saying they are still reviewing my results. Someone on another post got offered a place the day after their interview apparently
Original post by Bal74
Morning , had mine already 10-12 questions you have to talk for up to 2 minutes on each question , all strength based questions like tell us about a time you had to ... , hoping to hear back from them soon been 2wks since I took mine . Live interview with someone asking questions and a person overseeing the proceedings as well , good luck

Bal - got mine next week.
Any further help would be appreciated
I have mine tomorrow
Original post by lmroxo
I had mine today. Felt I flopped it ☹️ Was over in 10-15 mins so i’m not sure if i’ll get through to the next stage. I prepared for every question but the ones I got! Oh well…

Just had mine. Very much the same as yours..... Answered all questions apart from one. I've accepted it and moved on to the next one.
Reply 11
Original post by Bal74
Morning , had mine already 10-12 questions you have to talk for up to 2 minutes on each question , all strength based questions like tell us about a time you had to ... , hoping to hear back from them soon been 2wks since I took mine . Live interview with someone asking questions and a person overseeing the proceedings as well , good luck

Just read up on some of the questions loads online , lots of questions on how do you cope with... Name a time when .... Give an example of .... Give you 2 mins to talk about an answer good luck , I'm still waiting a month later to hear back
Reply 12
Original post by Twittwoo
How did you get on?

Just read up on some of the questions loads online , lots of questions on how do you cope with... Name a time when .... Give an example of .... Give you 2 mins to talk about an answer good luck , I'm still waiting a month later to hear back
Reply 13
Original post by Kimvo111
Anyone heard anything yet? I had my interview a month ago and keep getting emails saying they are still reviewing my results. Someone on another post got offered a place the day after their interview apparently

Same here a month later no response just emails inviting me to join group chats saying they are awaiting the results and will find out once they have them .
Original post by Bal74
Just read up on some of the questions loads online , lots of questions on how do you cope with... Name a time when .... Give an example of .... Give you 2 mins to talk about an answer good luck , I'm still waiting a month later to hear back

They told us yesterday we will hear back with in 1-2 weeks.
Reply 15
I had my online assessment in Nov and now received an email advising that I have been successful and they will let me know about next stage. Not sure how long it will be or what is next stage as I assumed that online assessment was the last one. Any one who have the similar experience ??
Original post by Kamer
I had my online assessment in Nov and now received an email advising that I have been successful and they will let me know about next stage. Not sure how long it will be or what is next stage as I assumed that online assessment was the last one. Any one who have the similar experience ??

When In November and what position
Reply 17
Original post by zb-0905
When In November and what position

5 Nov for BFO
Original post by Kamer
5 Nov for BFO

What area
Original post by zb-0905
What area

Why do you keep bombarding people with the same questions?! We're all in the same position. Just be patient like the rest of us!!

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