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Is City University good for Law

Would a Law degree from City University be valued at the top firms

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Ditto to above :smile:
Reply 2
I also need to know this. Do a lot of city graduates get training contracts?
To be blunt: no. Top firms want people from places like Leeds, UCL, King's, Manchester, Oxbridge, LSE, Queen Mary and Bristol.
Reply 4
Original post by Alex-jc123
To be blunt: no. Top firms want people from places like Leeds, UCL, King's, Manchester, Oxbridge, LSE, Queen Mary and Bristol.

To be fair, this is atrocious Leeds trolling and anti-Warwick/Nottingham/Durham trolling.

Answer to OP's question.: Absolutely terrible. Terrible facilities. Miserable job prospects. Research quality is equal to very low tiered law schools (refer to RAE). UCAS average is equal to BBB unis, despite being AAA. You'd be better off at Oxford Brookes. If you have AAA, absolutely no reason to be applying to City--considering Leeds, etc.
Original post by Alex-jc123
To be blunt: no. Top firms want people from places like Leeds, UCL, King's, Manchester, Oxbridge, LSE, Queen Mary and Bristol.

Original post by adam0311
To be fair, this is atrocious Leeds trolling and anti-Warwick/Nottingham/Durham trolling.

Answer to OP's question.: Absolutely terrible. Terrible facilities. Miserable job prospects. Research quality is equal to very low tiered law schools (refer to RAE). UCAS average is equal to BBB unis, despite being AAA. You'd be better off at Oxford Brookes. If you have AAA, absolutely no reason to be applying to City--considering Leeds, etc.

You realised this thread was 3 years ago?

Just saying. :smile:
Original post by street.lovin'
You realised this thread was 3 years ago?

Just saying. :smile:

Haha! I feel so stupid :rofl:
Reply 7
Original post by adam0311
To be fair, this is atrocious Leeds trolling and anti-Warwick/Nottingham/Durham trolling.

Answer to OP's question.: Absolutely terrible. Terrible facilities. Miserable job prospects. Research quality is equal to very low tiered law schools (refer to RAE). UCAS average is equal to BBB unis, despite being AAA. You'd be better off at Oxford Brookes. If you have AAA, absolutely no reason to be applying to City--considering Leeds, etc.

I bumped the thread, saves starting a new one. I thought City has great employability prospects, being highly regarded for it in fact... ???
(edited 13 years ago)
Reply 8
Original post by mrmicrosoft
I bumped the thread, saves starting a new one. I thought City has great employability prospects, being highly regarded for it in fact... ???

Well you thought wrong. Seriously, if you can get AAA there is no reason to be going to City. Its a BBB uni disguised as an AAA.
Reply 9
Original post by adam0311
Its a BBB uni disguised as an AAA.

A little harsh, no? You've got to go a fair way out of the top 50 to find somewhere with requirements of BBB these days. It's not truly fantastic but I wouldn't put it down with Chester and Huddersfield...
Reply 10
loooooooooooooooooooooooool City do have a good graduate empolyment rate
Original post by Iqbal007
loooooooooooooooooooooooool City do have a good graduate empolyment rate

Graduate employment rates are notoriously unreliable for law.

For example the Unistats methodology ignores those who go on to law school as well as the unemployed.

For example:-

University A

100 law graduates
75 go to law school
40 of these have training contracts/pupillages lined up
15 have other graduate jobs within 6 months of leaving university
5 are flipping burgers
5 are unemployed

University B

100 law graduates
20 go to law school
5 of these have training contracts lined up
8 have other graduate jobs within 6 months of leaving university
2 are flipping burgers
70 are unemployed

University A has a graduate employment rate of 75% (15 graduate trainees/(15 graduate trainees+5 burger flippers) x100)

University B has a graduate employment rate of 80% (8 graduate trainees/(8 graduate trainees+2 burger flippers) x100)
Reply 12
Original post by LostInLaw
A little harsh, no? You've got to go a fair way out of the top 50 to find somewhere with requirements of BBB these days. It's not truly fantastic but I wouldn't put it down with Chester and Huddersfield...

I wish I was being harsh. I think City does a real injustice making the course AAA than providing that quality that they do.

RAE: Ranked behind Stirling, University of East London, Oxford Brookes, etc. Just barely beating out Wolverhampton and De Montfort.

UCAS avg: City (despite being AAA) is 350, while Oxford Brookes (a BBB) is 340. Brunel (AAB) and Surrey (ABB) are both 360.

Student satisfaction: City Law has the lowest reported satisfaction rate.
Original post by Iqbal007
loooooooooooooooooooooooool City do have a good graduate empolyment rate

could you elaborate...
Reply 14
It won't hold you back from getting a foot in the door. People on the law course this year have got vac schemes from Linklaters, BLP, McFarlanes, Herbert Smith, Travers Smith etc.. If you have good grades (65+), good extra-curriculars and maybe connections too then you have a great chance.
Original post by mrmicrosoft
I also need to know this. Do a lot of city graduates get training contracts?

No. Really, like a lot of other people have said, it's a poor university with bad research, teaching, student life and so on. They probably feel they can ask for AAA since it is now associated with the Inns of Court School of Law - this used to be the sole provider of the BVC, and now provides the BPTC and LPC. In stark contrast to the LLB teaching, which is even on a different site, this is a very good law school - for the professional training. This incorporation has meant that City Law School now claims as alumni everyone who has become a barrister in about the last century until a decade or two ago, such as Gandhi, and 4 Prime Ministers - avoid being entrapped by this illusion! They are not graduates of the LLB course, and did their undergrad degrees elsewhere, and only studied there because they had to.....

Edit: doesn't mean you have no chance if you go there! Just, you put yourself at a significant disadvantage in comparison to people who have gone to almost any other AAA law school.
(edited 13 years ago)
Reply 16
Is anyone there, or been there? Or is everyone simply just half guessing, b/c i'm seriously considering it. It seems people don't seem to respect it much, why is this?
City is a perfectly decent university. It may not be in the top twenty, but it's certainly not as terrible as the all-knowing 17 year olds of TSR make it out to be. :biggrin:

That being said, however, City's law school has fallen in the rankings quite a bit. If you don't have the grades for Queen Mary and you're adamant on being around London, Brunel is probably your best bet. I believe it's ranked in the top 30 or 40 ( though it was in the top twenty a few years ago).
Original post by JAMESBLO
Is anyone there, or been there? Or is everyone simply just half guessing, b/c i'm seriously considering it. It seems people don't seem to respect it much, why is this?

I'm not there, but in the post above yours I explained why it's not really respected. And in the legal world, reputation is everything, and you would have an uphill struggle to get as good a TC as someone from a 'better' university. That's not to say it's TERRIBLE, but it's certainly not as good as a LOT of other places, as it's very low league table ranks tell you!
Reply 19
Well my classmate at City got a training contract at Linklatters. And being a graduate of City myself I can vouch for its academic excellence. I just got accepted into the Bachelor of Civil Law programme at Oxford with my law degree from City. whether or not u get a training contract depends on you .

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