The Student Room Group
Reply 1
yes, one of the side-effects. don't worry about it, just means you're not pregnant: YAY!
Reply 2
hermit crab
me and my boyfriend had sex but the condom ripped and i ended up getting the morning after pill. :woo: anyways, i've started my period and it's really unusual. there seems to be more thick blood pieces and it's lasted a bit longer than usual. is this normal?

wow. nice description. 'thick blood pieces'

YUMMY :biggrin:
wow. nice description. 'thick blood pieces'

YUMMY :biggrin:


But yeah it's normal, says so in the leaflet that comes in the box.
Reply 5
yes, one of the side-effects. don't worry about it, just means you're not pregnant: YAY!

Haha thanks. Not to sound harsh or anything but i dont think im at that stage to be having kids yet.:woo: :woo: :woo:
Hi, similar situation for me, me and boyfriend were having sex when the condom split, he hadn't err finished... and i took the morning after pill (levonelle one step) within the next two hours, But i'm really worried because I was near the end of my cycle so how likely is it that i could be pregnant?