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Think ahead 2023/2024

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Original post by SeedKaz10
On average how long is it taking for you guys to hear back?

I submitted my video application on 26th Oct and was invited an AC on 2nd Nov x
Original post by SeedKaz10
On average how long is it taking for you guys to hear back?

I submitted my videos on the 18th Oct, and got an assessment centre invite on 31st Oct, have the assessment centre on the 16th x
Has anyone else applied hoping to get in Bristol area? I sent my application in 12 days ago getting so anxious waiting! X
Original post by hdjdndndmk445
Has anyone else applied hoping to get in Bristol area? I sent my application in 12 days ago getting so anxious waiting! X

Not Bristol, am applying Cam, but have been waiting 15 days for mine so you’re not alone waiting!
Hey guys! Congrats and good luck to everyone! I’ve only just submitted my SJT (late i know). I have passed those and now have to do the actual application, quite nervous about the video part 😕 Any tips? x
Original post by TMJF1977
They have just emailed me to say that they have my application but I hadn't submitted videos for 5 & 6 and to redo them. I emailed back saying that I had completed and submitted them and when I log into the portal it says "application submitted and under review". I now have to redo the videos 🤦🏻*♀️

Did yours work the second time around? I’ve got to re-do mine this evening
Original post by Catsinhats23
Did yours work the second time around? I’ve got to re-do mine this evening

Yes it worked second time around x
Good luck to those doing the assessment centre this week 🤞x
So I've just heard back and have gotten through to the assessment centre 🥰 it's not until mid Janurary though!
Original post by hdjdndndmk445
So I've just heard back and have gotten through to the assessment centre 🥰 it's not until mid Janurary though!

Congrats!!! if you don’t mind me asking when did you apply? x
Hi everyone! I’ve only just completed my SJT and am hoping to get through to the assessment centre! Is anyone hoping for Birmingham? X
Original post by Katielou557
Hi everyone! I’ve only just completed my SJT and am hoping to get through to the assessment centre! Is anyone hoping for Birmingham? X

I am! x
Original post by TMJF1977
Good luck to those doing the assessment centre this week 🤞x

Aw thank you!! You too x
Hi all!

i wonder if they had some issues with the portal?

I've submitted my application on the 23/10, got the confirmation email. The next day I got the 'you've 24 hr to complete your application' email, which I disregarded and assumed all was good.

I've not heard anything since, it's been three weeks on Monday so I lost hope. I emailed them yesterday, logged in to the portal where it said that my application was still under review. I clicked on the 'application' tab, and lo and behold, it said something like 'congratulations, your application was successful, you can now book your assessment centre', which I did (17.01.24). Quite far away!

I'm kind of kicking myself for not emailing them earlier or trying to play around with the portal.

Anyway, I hope I've done everything correctly, and that it was indeed okay for me to book the assessment centre.

Funnily enough, I'm also waiting to hear back from Frontline regarding their assessment day, as I got through on there as well.

Good luck everyone!

If anyone is interested, South East was my first choice regarding location for both.
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by Stella1993
Hi all!

i wonder if they had some issues with the portal?

I've submitted my application on the 23/10, got the confirmation email. The next day I got the 'you've 24 hr to complete your application' email, which I disregarded and assumed all was good.

I've not heard anything since, it's been three weeks on Monday so I lost hope. I emailed them yesterday, logged in to the portal where it said that my application was still under review. I clicked on the 'application' tab, and lo and behold, it said something like 'congratulations, your application was successful, you can now book your assessment centre', which I did (17.01.24). Quite far away!

I'm kind of kicking myself for not emailing them earlier or trying to play around with the portal.

Anyway, I hope I've done everything correctly, and that it was indeed okay for me to book the assessment centre.

Funnily enough, I'm also waiting to hear back from Frontline regarding their assessment day, as I got through on there as well.

Good luck everyone!

If anyone is interested, South East was my first choice regarding location for both.

When I applied to think ahead I got the email thanking me and stating it was under review. A few days later I received another email saying that I hadn't submitted my videos and I had to resubmit!! My assessment day is next week 🤞🙏x
How did everyone find the assessment centre today, lovely to meet you all!
Reply 56
I’m a bit anxious as I applied at the end of October and yet to hear back 😣…it’s been three weeks now.
Original post by Natxs
I’m a bit anxious as I applied at the end of October and yet to hear back 😣…it’s been three weeks now.

I’d either email them or log in to the portal to see what’s your application status.
Original post by maisiex10x
How did everyone find the assessment centre today, lovely to meet you all!

I wasn't there but would love to know how you found the assessment centre and if you quickly found out the outcome? Thank you!
Reply 59
Original post by Stella1993
I’d either email them or log in to the portal to see what’s your application status.

I’ve emailed already, still awaiting response and no change on the portal 😣

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