Hi all!
i wonder if they had some issues with the portal?
I've submitted my application on the 23/10, got the confirmation email. The next day I got the 'you've 24 hr to complete your application' email, which I disregarded and assumed all was good.
I've not heard anything since, it's been three weeks on Monday so I lost hope. I emailed them yesterday, logged in to the portal where it said that my application was still under review. I clicked on the 'application' tab, and lo and behold, it said something like 'congratulations, your application was successful, you can now book your assessment centre', which I did (17.01.24). Quite far away!
I'm kind of kicking myself for not emailing them earlier or trying to play around with the portal.
Anyway, I hope I've done everything correctly, and that it was indeed okay for me to book the assessment centre.
Funnily enough, I'm also waiting to hear back from Frontline regarding their assessment day, as I got through on there as well.
Good luck everyone!
If anyone is interested, South East was my first choice regarding location for both.