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FCA graduate scheme 2024

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Reply 20
I just got the same rejection mail for the motivational questions. It did say a 5 day deadline not 3.Does anyone have an email address for the early careers team?
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by mlegh
I just got the same rejection mail for the motivational questions. It did say a 5 day deadline not 3.Does anyone have an email address for the early careers team?

[email protected]
Original post by Cdhuule60
I heard back the next day after my telephone interview. since I was rejected so soon I assume its because I did not meet the benchmark score for the interview. that being said, even if you do pass the interview you are not guaranteed a place on the short list for AC. if its been a while since you've heard back from your interview that probably means you're still in the running!

how long after the online situational judgement test did you hear back for motivational questions?
Original post by ManavSahni90210
how long after the online situational judgement test did you hear back for motivational questions?

motivational questions came 2 days after I completed the online tests, then 2 weeks after completing the motivational questions I got an email for a telephone interview
Reply 24

Thanks. Seems the error has been rectified.
Reply 25
Did anyone get a reinstatement email? I got an email saying I was reinstated after they erroneously thought I had not done the motivational assessment. I had initially received an email of rejection last week Friday or so
Original post by MinskyMoment
I applied very early to the economics graduate scheme. Had my phone interview about a week ago, they said I'd passed but it's not a guarantee on making it to the AC, which is at the end of this month.

Hi, congrats on passing! What questions did they ask?
Hi, I applied for the 2024 International Graduate Programme for FCA and finished the Motivational Questionaire about 10 days ago, my workday portal shows in the process. Any idea when the next stage is? Has anyone else applied to the same program and gotten a response after the motivational questions stage?
Original post by Asalvatore
fairly quickly, submitted my motivational questions on the 18th Oct and received a telephone invite on the 25th Oct. thank you!

How long did they say after the telephone interview to let you know about the final assessment centre?
Reply 29
Original post by A.k1233
Hi, congrats on passing! What questions did they ask?

Hey, have you had your interview yet?
Reply 30
Anyone heard back for the market oversight programme?
Original post by Macbookpro1756
Hi, I applied for the 2024 International Graduate Programme for FCA and finished the Motivational Questionaire about 10 days ago, my workday portal shows in the process. Any idea when the next stage is? Has anyone else applied to the same program and gotten a response after the motivational questions stage?

Hi, I applied for the International Graduate Programme and had my telephone interview early in November. I'm still waiting to hear back but I did get my score for the interview.
How long did it take for people to hear back from the motivational questions? I did them 6 days ago, so not expecting anything yet, but just wondering.
I got invited to telephone interview ages ago for the Economist Graduate programme but forgot to book. Is there any point doing it now or is role filled?
Original post by fernandotorres09
I got invited to telephone interview ages ago for the Economist Graduate programme but forgot to book. Is there any point doing it now or is role filled?

I did my AC on Wednesday for the Economics program, and they said they are holding another one next week. I'm not sure if that one is booked out yet, but might be worth checking
This is such a bleeming long scheme to apply for. I've just written an essay for the motivational questions and they still interview you again before the assessment centre?! Just submitted my motivational questions for SPC. Wish me luck! :smile:
Reply 36
Original post by Ninja_Rose
This is such a bleeming long scheme to apply for. I've just written an essay for the motivational questions and they still interview you again before the assessment centre?! Just submitted my motivational questions for SPC. Wish me luck! :smile:

Yeah they are pretty demanding 😅 Spent quite some time on motivational questions for Market Oversight a month ago, but have not heard back yet. Hopefully we’ll get some news soon
(edited 1 year ago)
Completely the motivational questions yesterday. Got invited to make account for telephone interview at 7am this morning. That was fast!!

Applied for Supervision, competition -Generalist!
Has anyone heard about assessment centres for the change graduate programme? I had my telephone interview at the beginning of November and passed it, but have not heard back since... Not sure what to do.
Reply 39
Original post by Ninja_Rose
Completely the motivational questions yesterday. Got invited to make account for telephone interview at 7am this morning. That was fast!!

Applied for Supervision, competition -Generalist!

How was it? Congrats

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