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English Lit (Ozymandias, My Last Duchess, Bayonet Charge, Tissues, Poppies and Kamikaze)
Spanish (Reading)
Computer Science (Languages, and tests)
Finished the magazine but I'm unsure how you post it here
English Lit Paper 2 (2HOURS AND 15 MINS)
I have to come at 7:45 cuz apparently we are staring the exam at 8 - Que asqueroso!
Ill make sure not to sleep over my alarm .. my mum as a second alarm if I don't wake up
Spanish Listening and Reading
English Lit (Ozymandias, My Last Duchess, Bayonet Charge, Tissues, Poppies and Kamikaze)
Spanish (Reading)
Computer Science (Languages, and tests)
Finished the magazine but I'm unsure how you post it here
English Lit Paper 2 (2HOURS AND 15 MINS)
I have to come at 7:45 cuz apparently we are staring the exam at 8 - Que asqueroso!
Ill make sure not to sleep over my alarm .. my mum as a second alarm if I don't wake up
Spanish Listening and Reading
English Lit mock -
Literally everyone new what the poem was gonna be so I luckily prepared for that... The teachers however exploded when we knew it but i guess it is understandable
WWW: A good thing that I wrote lots but still im not sure is quality was over quantity
EBI: Try not to be surpised by the Unseen Poetry.. still dedicate your mind to it
Spanish Listening/ Reading:
It was really bad how one side of my ear was blocked. I had to ask the invigilator to raise the volume up and he said ' do you have an ear impairment?' LIKE WTHHH... but ofc I didn't scream out and politely said my ear was blocked anyways...🙄😶
Further Maths:
We did revision for our exam on Thursday.. for some reason biology is last exam for me
Is it weird that the teachers won't even tell you whether it is a calc or non-calc? To me its unfair
Maths (calc)
Computer Science (Paper 2)
English Lit (Ozymandias, My Last Duchess, Bayonet Charge, Tissues, Poppies and Kamikaze)
Spanish (Reading)
Computer Science (Languages, and tests)
Finished the magazine but I'm unsure how you post it here
English Lit Paper 2 (2HOURS AND 15 MINS)
I have to come at 7:45 cuz apparently we are staring the exam at 8 - Que asqueroso!
Ill make sure not to sleep over my alarm .. my mum as a second alarm if I don't wake up
Spanish Listening and Reading
Recorded vocabs for arabic writing
Planned my ideas log for creatvie media
Creative Media exam
Arabic writing exam
Revising for Bio exam
Buy a jar to fill it p with tangerines ( OMG i can't stop eating them I wish I could get mangoes but not the season) im not sure if they would rot though.. oh well ill try
Also I saw you could make strawberry syrup so I wanna try that out
Tidy room
Nothing of revision
Watched a YouTube on how to improve my Illustrator editing techniques
Watched some anime one piece and finished banana fish
Caught up on some kdrama and turkish drama
I just realised I finished the strawberries so instead I made sourdough starter this time Im going to try not to neglect it lol
Nothing of revision
Watched a YouTube on how to improve my Illustrator editing techniques
Watched some anime one piece and finished banana fish
Caught up on some kdrama and turkish drama
I just realised I finished the strawberries so instead I made sourdough starter this time Im going to try not to neglect it lol
Tidied my room
Created Nasheed and Quran list
Helped my mum most of the time
Tidied my room
Created Nasheed and Quran list
Helped my mum most of the time
Last reply 9 hours ago
💫 Gap year revision journey 💫 by an ambitious but lazy person10
Last reply 22 hours ago
THE RESIT STUDENT IS GETTING ALL A*'s !!! (for medicine hehe part 2 the finale)20
Last reply 1 day ago
Y13 Edition - Creating the Future of our Dreams - Study23 GYG40