Amazing to hear you've applied for Bath! Very best of luck - here is a page from UCAS full of key dates, including about when you can expect to hear about your university offer. Its difficult to say exactly when you will hear back from Bath as this depends on a number of different factors, however as long as you applied before the January deadline, your application will be treated fairly alongside all others.
Amazing to hear you've applied for Bath! Very best of luck - here is a page from UCAS full of key dates, including about when you can expect to hear about your university offer. Its difficult to say exactly when you will hear back from Bath as this depends on a number of different factors, however as long as you applied before the January deadline, your application will be treated fairly alongside all others.
I hope this helps - we're rooting for you!
Holly University of Bath
I put my password and username in the Bath portal and it’s doesn’t work