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My Triple Science Results :(?

I'm in need of urgent help!
I am doing the OCR exams and I am worried that with my results and courseworks grade, with the exams still left I will not be able to get an A or an A* as a final grade. Here are my results and if you could explain to me whether I can or cannot get an A* or A in the subject and if I can how. Thanks in advance!!!

Chemistry: 34/50 - Grade C - Coursework still to come and 2 more tests
Biology: 33/50 - Grade C - Coursework: B - 2 more tests still to come
Physics: 41/50 - Grade A - Coursework: C - Ideas about science and 2 more tests
Reply 1
I'm in need of urgent help!
I am doing the OCR exams and I am worried that with my results and courseworks grade, with the exams still left I will not be able to get an A or an A* as a final grade. Here are my results and if you could explain to me whether I can or cannot get an A* or A in the subject and if I can how. Thanks in advance!!!

Chemistry: 34/50 - Grade C - Coursework still to come and 2 more tests
Biology: 33/50 - Grade C - Coursework: B - 2 more tests still to come
Physics: 41/50 - Grade A - Coursework: C - Ideas about science and 2 more tests

FAILURE :smile:
Reply 2
I'm in need of urgent help!
I am doing the OCR exams and I am worried that with my results and courseworks grade, with the exams still left I will not be able to get an A or an A* as a final grade. Here are my results and if you could explain to me whether I can or cannot get an A* or A in the subject and if I can how. Thanks in advance!!!

Chemistry: 34/50 - Grade C - Coursework still to come and 2 more tests
Biology: 33/50 - Grade C - Coursework: B - 2 more tests still to come
Physics: 41/50 - Grade A - Coursework: C - Ideas about science and 2 more tests

You're not going to get an A or A* in any of them. The C grades have just pulled you down too much.
Reply 3
You won't be able to reach the A/A* grade you want from them.
Coursework is 33% though so try and improve on that as much as you can.
retake biology and chemistry, then you can
Reply 5
I'm in need of urgent help!
I am doing the OCR exams and I am worried that with my results and courseworks grade, with the exams still left I will not be able to get an A or an A* as a final grade. Here are my results and if you could explain to me whether I can or cannot get an A* or A in the subject and if I can how. Thanks in advance!!!

Chemistry: 34/50 - Grade C - Coursework still to come and 2 more tests
Biology: 33/50 - Grade C - Coursework: B - 2 more tests still to come
Physics: 41/50 - Grade A - Coursework: C - Ideas about science and 2 more tests

Hmm i was about to say you had a chance but then i saw the C for courseworkk in physics whichh definately pulls you done cant you begg your teacher to like edit but do it in school or soemthinngg cause thats 33%!!!! but honestly what was you doing not trying to be rude or anything with the coursework u hould able to get reasonable marks ..... Though theres still hope you need to gettt a's in the rest of your physics and then you SHOULD get an A ..biology A and a* then same with chemistry
Reply 6
You're not going to get an A or A* in any of them. The C grades have just pulled you down too much.

retake biology and chemistry, then you can

Hmm i was about to say you had a chance but then i saw the C for courseworkk in physics whichh definitely pulls you done cant you begg your teacher to like edit but do it in school or soemthinngg cause thats 33%!!!! but honestly what was you doing not trying to be rude or anything with the coursework u hould able to get reasonable marks ..... Though theres still hope you need to gettt a's in the rest of your physics and then you SHOULD get an A ..biology A and a* then same with chemistry

Dunno if you notice but the thread is 2 years old guys lool. I'm in sixth form now.
Ended up getting an 100% in chemistry coursework, 84% in physics coursework and a B in biology coursework.
Overall I got:
A in Physics (1 off an A*)
A in Chemistry
B in Biology
well done
Reply 8
Dunno if you notice but the thread is 2 years old guys lool. I'm in sixth form now.
Ended up getting an 100% in chemistry coursework, 84% in physics coursework and a B in biology coursework.
Overall I got:
A in Physics (1 off an A*)
A in Chemistry
B in Biology

Lool i never realisedd it just popped upp ...well done well i never said you couldnt get it like the others :smile:
Dunno if you notice but the thread is 2 years old guys lool. I'm in sixth form now.
Ended up getting an 100% in chemistry coursework, 84% in physics coursework and a B in biology coursework.
Overall I got:
A in Physics (1 off an A*)
A in Chemistry
B in Biology

well done though :biggrin:
I have a question. I've heard that taking triple science is worse than taking separate biology, chemistry and physics. One of my friends told me that her brother got his GCSE results paper and on it, it didn't separate the three sciences, instead it said Core, Additional and Further. Apparently universities and colleges see that as one minus point. Is that true? Please enlighten me with the knowledge 😂
Reply 11
Original post by Paola Gomes
I have a question. I've heard that taking triple science is worse than taking separate biology, chemistry and physics. One of my friends told me that her brother got his GCSE results paper and on it, it didn't separate the three sciences, instead it said Core, Additional and Further. Apparently universities and colleges see that as one minus point. Is that true? Please enlighten me with the knowledge 😂

I thought triple science resulted in a separate biology, chemistry and physics gcse? I'm doing triple science with OCR and that's what I've been told I'll get. What exam board was your friend on? I think AQA does it a bit differently. But anyway, I don't think it matters.
(edited 9 years ago)
My friend's brother did AQA and I'm doing AQA as well. Hopefully it doesn't matter because my school isn't going to change what they do (my head said that already)
Original post by Paola Gomes
I have a question. I've heard that taking triple science is worse than taking separate biology, chemistry and physics. One of my friends told me that her brother got his GCSE results paper and on it, it didn't separate the three sciences, instead it said Core, Additional and Further. Apparently universities and colleges see that as one minus point. Is that true? Please enlighten me with the knowledge 😂

Triple Science used to mean separate GCSEs in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. However, there was a patch of a few years when many GCSEs were modular and lots of schools did the first of each of the exams for a GCSE in Year 10 (or 9) and then the second later and only took the final exam in the Summer of Year 11. The government decided this made things too easy so changed the rules so all of the exams for a GCSE had to be taken in a single exam series. The exam boards then thought up the idea of offering a different way of carving up Science GCSEs so people could take some exam early.

Think of a Science GCSE as being made up of 3 exams plus some controlled assessment (CA)

If you take 'triple Science' this can now mean
Biology: B1, B2, B3 & CA
Chemistry C1, C2, C3 & CA
Physics P1, P2, P3 & CA
Science: B1, C1, P1 & CA
Additional Science B2, C2, P2 & CA
Further Additional Science: B3, C3, P3 & CA.
People who do the first choice almost always take all the exams at the end of Year 11, people taking the second choice will almost certainly have taken Science and perhaps Add Science earlier. As the third exam is significantly harder than the others, it is very hard to get an A* in FA Science.

I don't think universities will view them very differently as they involve exactly the same exams.
Original post by Compost
Triple Science used to mean separate GCSEs in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. However, there was a patch of a few years when many GCSEs were modular and lots of schools did the first of each of the exams for a GCSE in Year 10 (or 9) and then the second later and only took the final exam in the Summer of Year 11. The government decided this made things too easy so changed the rules so all of the exams for a GCSE had to be taken in a single exam series. The exam boards then thought up the idea of offering a different way of carving up Science GCSEs so people could take some exam early.

Think of a Science GCSE as being made up of 3 exams plus some controlled assessment (CA)

If you take 'triple Science' this can now mean
Biology: B1, B2, B3 & CA
Chemistry C1, C2, C3 & CA
Physics P1, P2, P3 & CA
Science: B1, C1, P1 & CA
Additional Science B2, C2, P2 & CA
Further Additional Science: B3, C3, P3 & CA.
People who do the first choice almost always take all the exams at the end of Year 11, people taking the second choice will almost certainly have taken Science and perhaps Add Science earlier. As the third exam is significantly harder than the others, it is very hard to get an A* in FA Science.

I don't think universities will view them very differently as they involve exactly the same exams.

Okay, thank you. At my school people who take triple science take all the exams at the end of year 11, but it's the second option that you stated (Core, additional, further)