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PwC technology apprenticeship

i am doing my virtual interview tomorrow (data analyst), i was just wondering if someone could explain what i should expect from it, any tips or advice that you can give? how is it structured? and how long is it? it said no longer than an hour on their website but i think its a bit long for an interview...
(edited 1 year ago)
Reply 1
help pls 🙏
Reply 2
Original post by eenie_49
i am doing my virtual interview tomorrow (data analyst), i was just wondering if someone could explain what i should expect from it, any tips or advice that you can give? how is it structured? and how long is it? it said no longer than an hour on their website but i think its a bit long for an interview...

hi how was your interview and how were the questions like? Is there any tips you could offer to prepare
Original post by eenie_49
i am doing my virtual interview tomorrow (data analyst), i was just wondering if someone could explain what i should expect from it, any tips or advice that you can give? how is it structured? and how long is it? it said no longer than an hour on their website but i think its a bit long for an interview...

Hi how did you find the interview
Reply 5
heyy!! sorry i havent been on tsr in a longgg time! there were mostly just case study questions that assesses your ledership, teamwork, communication skills etc! idk how you would actually prepare for them icl BUT GOOD LUCK!
Original post by eenie_49
heyy!! sorry i havent been on tsr in a longgg time! there were mostly just case study questions that assesses your ledership, teamwork, communication skills etc! idk how you would actually prepare for them icl BUT GOOD LUCK!

did you get in?
Reply 7
Original post by GCSE_Student0
did you get in?

tbh i don’t think i did amazing and they haven’t emailed me back anything yet, it’s still “under review” on my portal. i’m not too desperate icl i’ve already got other offers that i wanted!

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