The Student Room Group

which durham colleges have shared rooms?

sharing a room is genuinely my biggest nightmare. I take my alone time very seriously and im neurodivergent so im very specific about my private space, so sharing a room is just not for me. which colleges should I avoid?
Original post by kaxxxxc2
sharing a room is genuinely my biggest nightmare. I take my alone time very seriously and im neurodivergent so im very specific about my private space, so sharing a room is just not for me. which colleges should I avoid?

I know that st chads has mostly shared room but I’m also pretty sure that if you disclose that you’ré neurodivergent then they’ll prioritise you recieving à single room

You can also find the infirmation about the room types on the colleges websites so it's worth checking those individually. Hope this helped!!
Original post by kaxxxxc2
sharing a room is genuinely my biggest nightmare. I take my alone time very seriously and im neurodivergent so im very specific about my private space, so sharing a room is just not for me. which colleges should I avoid?

There is a big comparison table on the website college section with the numbers of rooms. If you are neurodivergent you should be prioritised for a single room, especially if you are registered with the disability services and have this as part of your disability support plan.
Reply 3
Original post by roselanguages
I know that st chads has mostly shared room but I’m also pretty sure that if you disclose that you’ré neurodivergent then they’ll prioritise you recieving à single room

You can also find the infirmation about the room types on the colleges websites so it's worth checking those individually. Hope this helped!!

that's brilliant to know, thanks so much!! :smile:)
Reply 4
Original post by Anonymous #1
There is a big comparison table on the website college section with the numbers of rooms. If you are neurodivergent you should be prioritised for a single room, especially if you are registered with the disability services and have this as part of your disability support plan.

thank you sm, I appreciate it!! x
Original post by kaxxxxc2
sharing a room is genuinely my biggest nightmare. I take my alone time very seriously and im neurodivergent so im very specific about my private space, so sharing a room is just not for me. which colleges should I avoid?


The table on this page lists the colleges with shared rooms. For your ease, these are Grey, Hatfield, Chads, Aidans, Cuths, St Johns, Trevelyan and Castle. The exact number of shared rooms in each college is also listed in this table.

As the others have helpfully mentioned, medical reasons are given priority when allocating the type of room so I would also suggest mentioning that in the college allocation form (if there's an option to add details) and later in the room preference form (sent after college allocations are done) so that you don't get a shared room.


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