The Student Room Group

Help! Midget at Uni

Hey all! I'm new here and I have a serious issue I'm worried about. Basically I am a midget and by that I don't just mean I'm a short guy, I mean I am actually a midget by the medical definition. My parents are both midgets but apart from them I've never met another midget during my entire time in education. I've recently got accepted a place at Uni (I don't want to say which one in case anybody next year recognises me from this) but I'm worried about two things:

1) I've got bullied a fair bit because of my height during my time at school. Is this likely to continue at Uni or are people more mature?

2) I've never had a girlfriend before and while I hear this isn't all that unusual from reading this website, I've heard most people find a partner at Uni. However, most girls like tall guys. How am I going to get a girlfriend? Does anybody have a midget in their University? I don't know if I'd want to go out with another midget, but would a normal girl want to go out with me?


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Reply 1
To be honest mate, people tend to grow up at University, and those little few who may glance at you or make sly comments are total immature dickheads. Seriously pal dont worry about it, There is so many different people at University, and Not all girls like tall guys, you will find someone, Not everyone is completely shallow, you will have a great time
Reply 2
I don't think you should worry too much about the bullying. It's true that bullying can occur at uni but in general people behave much more maturely. As for finding a girlfriend...I'm sure you'll find someone. As KJ21 said, you'll meet all kinds of different people so don't worry and just go and enjoy yourself!
Hey all! I'm new here and I have a serious issue I'm worried about. Basically I am a midget and by that I don't just mean I'm a short guy, I mean I am actually a midget by the medical definition. My parents are both midgets but apart from them I've never met another midget during my entire time in education. I've recently got accepted a place at Uni (I don't want to say which one in case anybody next year recognises me from this) but I'm worried about two things:

1) I've got bullied a fair bit because of my height during my time at school. Is this likely to continue at Uni or are people more mature?

2) I've never had a girlfriend before and while I hear this isn't all that unusual from reading this website, I've heard most people find a partner at Uni. However, most girls like tall guys. How am I going to get a girlfriend? Does anybody have a midget in their University? I don't know if I'd want to go out with another midget, but would a normal girl want to go out with me?


Are you less than 5ft tall?
Reply 4
All I will say is that girls are attracted far more on personality than looks. Height would be attractive, but your personality can overcome it.
Reply 5
Best title thread ever dude! You should be fine, like KJ21 said people are more mature at university, you'll always get idiots though in any part of society. Sorry to hear about the bullying etc at school, but for most people university is a fresh start.
Reply 6
I seriously you doubt you have a problem at University, as most people tend to mature within these years. I've seen a few midgets around my university as well as midget lecturers. You'll get the odd immature **** who will point, but from as you've said you've had worse. Like the post above says you'll find someone, everyone is open for a relationship at uni whether it being friendship or more. You'll love it!
I think you'll be fine. As long as you're sociable and friendly, then no one should really have a problem with you. I saw a guy who was a midget when I visited my friend at Loughborough and he was accepted just like anyone else.
You probably wouldn't get bullied at your average uni.
By that age people usually have grown up.
I'd take the piss though, just because you're shorter than me.
you are no different from anybody else you earned your place the same way as the next person so good luck to you.
i'm about 4 ft 11 and at uni - so i'm pretty short (perhaps not as short as you op, but still)...
and i've not been bullied!

sure you get some people who will have a few little snide comments every now and then, but generally on the whole, people are a lot nicer and more acceptant!
there's a midget here at my university and he's the only one I see around ... he doesn't seem to be having trouble with it except that he probably doesn't have a girlfriend.
Reply 12
Hey all! I'm new here and I have a serious issue I'm worried about. Basically I am a midget and by that I don't just mean I'm a short guy, I mean I am actually a midget by the medical definition. My parents are both midgets but apart from them I've never met another midget during my entire time in education. I've recently got accepted a place at Uni (I don't want to say which one in case anybody next year recognises me from this) but I'm worried about two things:

1) I've got bullied a fair bit because of my height during my time at school. Is this likely to continue at Uni or are people more mature?

2) I've never had a girlfriend before and while I hear this isn't all that unusual from reading this website, I've heard most people find a partner at Uni. However, most girls like tall guys. How am I going to get a girlfriend? Does anybody have a midget in their University? I don't know if I'd want to go out with another midget, but would a normal girl want to go out with me?

You're bound to get a bit of banter, its human nature. :wink:
Being smalls not so bad! I'm 5'8" and I get the odd sly comment, but hey at least you can.... actually I can't think of any advantages :frown: I'm a failure
Reply 14
Hey all! I'm new here and I have a serious issue I'm worried about. Basically I am a midget and by that I don't just mean I'm a short guy, I mean I am actually a midget by the medical definition. My parents are both midgets but apart from them I've never met another midget during my entire time in education. I've recently got accepted a place at Uni (I don't want to say which one in case anybody next year recognises me from this) but I'm worried about two things:

1) I've got bullied a fair bit because of my height during my time at school. Is this likely to continue at Uni or are people more mature?

2) I've never had a girlfriend before and while I hear this isn't all that unusual from reading this website, I've heard most people find a partner at Uni. However, most girls like tall guys. How am I going to get a girlfriend? Does anybody have a midget in their University? I don't know if I'd want to go out with another midget, but would a normal girl want to go out with me?


There's/was (I've not seen him for a while) a midget at my college - I've never spoken to him - but he seems quite popular. Don't let it get to you.
Reply 15
Uni is nothing like secondary school/college so you should be fine :smile:
I love how people are bullying the OP on TSR. How can anyone bully what is too tiny to see? Lol. Ok, joke aside.

A lot of people at uni will probably feel sorry for you, pity you, but none of them will explicitly say anything that will make themselves look bad in public.

This is how the world works, uni or not. People do judge on appearances. There's not much you can do apart from ignoring the odd comment from the tall guys.

Has anyone seen a 3ft 5 midget beat up a 7ft 11 male? It would be humiliating for a tall guy to be pummeled by a midget. Is the word 'midget' offensive by the way?
There is a cure to midgets I think. Well... not a cure but treatment.

There. A midget who defeated a taller opponent in Judo.
Reply 18
Being smalls not so bad! I'm 5'8" and I get the odd sly comment, but hey at least you can.... actually I can't think of any advantages :frown: I'm a failure

I think it likely that you are much, much taller than the OP.
Reply 19
One of my friends is 4'11 and nobody cares. You'll have an amazing time :smile: