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Long hair is for girls :yep:
Reply 2
no, but long greasy hair is a no-no too. i like a bit of fuzz to run my hands through :biggrin:
Bald = No.
Shaved = No.
Short = Okay
Short-Medium and styled = :heart::heart:
Medium = :heart:
Long = :frown:
Short hair, not long, not bald
Long hair definitely!
Reply 6
medium, not to long
Reply 7
Long hair
How long is long?

I don't like a shaven head but I don't like anything you could braid...
Reply 9
Medium. I like it like that so you can style it. Shaved or short you can't do anything with it, so it just looks boring. Medium is best IMO. Long is alright so long as it suits them.
Long hair on men, is absolutely fecking stunning. I love it.

But then, he does have to have a good face in order to pull it off!
Reply 11
Bald = No.
Shaved = No.
Short = Okay
Short-Medium and styled = :heart::heart:
Medium = :heart:
Long = :frown:

Reply 12
long- not to their shoulders but definitely not shaven or so short that it doesn't move when they do

the standard guy in a rock band length is perfect
Reply 13
I like it when guys have long hair - although, if it's long enough to put in a ponytail, it's too long..

Some men look messy and dirty with long hair though..
Reply 14
Lanky long/medium hair is never kept well enough to look nice on a man!!
shaved = hot on the right guy
medium and in a style = :yep:

everything else, unless the guy pulls if off really well, no ta
long- not to their shoulders but definitely not shaven or so short that it doesn't move when they do

the standard guy in a rock band length is perfect


You have impeccable taste! :wink:
It definitely depends on how hot the guy is, style and face-wise! Short, medium, long... it's all good, provided the rest of him is ;]!
I really dislike shaved hair on guys but then what about Wentworth Miller? He's incredibly hot and looks weird with hair XD!
Reply 19

^^ This! :yep: :biggrin:
Its nice to have it long enough to run your hands through, but I don't like it too long.
Shaved is not good though :s-smilie: