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Woodhouse College applicants 2024

Who's applying to woodhouse?

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Original post by CAL.118
Who's applying to woodhouse?

They got 26 Oxbridge offers last year and 180 or so got AAA or better grades at A-Level!!! 🙂
Reply 2
does anyone know the earliest we will start receiving offers?
Reply 3
Original post by takeda
does anyone know the earliest we will start receiving offers?

they told us that we would be hearing back around april time but i applied to ucl academy and i got an offer so i think it depends on each school and when you apply for each one i guess bc i applied to ucla in november
Original post by m1sk1
they told us that we would be hearing back around april time but i applied to ucl academy and i got an offer so i think it depends on each school and when you apply for each one i guess bc i applied to ucla in november

is April the latest? and do you know around what time in April, like around this time or towards the end?
They said "before the end of April" so probably the week after Easter ends (15th to 19th) since sixth forms that said before the end of March sent offers in that week and the end of April is the 20s. Here's hoping we get in!
Original post by surelythisworks
They said "before the end of April" so probably the week after Easter ends (15th to 19th) since sixth forms that said before the end of March sent offers in that week and the end of April is the 20s. Here's hoping we get in!

Ohh right makes sense! Thanks! is woodhouse your first choice?
Yeah, it's definitely my first choice. From what I've heard, Woodhouse seems to really care about the students (but of course, I haven't actually been so idk) and they offer lots of ways to make sure you do good. I got offers from some other sixth forms but I'd definitely prefer to go to Woodhouse. What A-levels did you pick, btw? They have a lot of subject focused trips.
(edited 10 months ago)
Reply 8
Original post by surelythisworks
Yeah, it's definitely my first choice. From what I've heard, Woodhouse seems to really care about the students (but of course, I haven't actually been so idk) and they offer lots of ways to make sure you do good. I got offers from some other sixth forms but I'd definitely prefer to go to Woodhouse. What A-levels did you pick, btw? They have a lot of subject focused trips.

I also applied woodhouse,but St Dom’s is probs my first choice.For St Dom’s I got an offer I think on the 18th of March or smth and they said end of April.So I think woodhouse probs plans on doing it after Easter
Reply 9
Original post by thegeek888
They got 26 Oxbridge offers last year and 180 or so got AAA or better grades at A-Level!!! 🙂

43I think for Oxbridge offers
Reply 10
Original post by CAL.118
Who's applying to woodhouse?

i applied but my predicted for science back in dec was 6-5 (because i was super sick and didnt revise at all) but recently in my mocks i got a 9-8?? so idk if ill acc get in if they just see the 6-5 😬😬
Original post by surelythisworks
Yeah, it's definitely my first choice. From what I've heard, Woodhouse seems to really care about the students (but of course, I haven't actually been so idk) and they offer lots of ways to make sure you do good. I got offers from some other sixth forms but I'd definitely prefer to go to Woodhouse. What A-levels did you pick, btw? They have a lot of subject focused trips.

yeah same here, picked economics, chemistry and maths, what about you?
Reply 12
Original post by waffles16
i applied but my predicted for science back in dec was 6-5 (because i was super sick and didnt revise at all) but recently in my mocks i got a 9-8?? so idk if ill acc get in if they just see the 6-5 😬😬

Have you tried emailing them to change your predicted grade,you probs won’t get in with 6-5
Original post by doughnutsareslay
yeah same here, picked economics, chemistry and maths, what about you?

I picked Physics, Maths, and English Literature but I might ask them to let me do Further Maths if I get an offer since I didn't get a predicted 8 for maths in December but I did in the mock after I applied. Idk if you can actually do that though. Economics sounds interesting, do you want to do it at university too?
Original post by surelythisworks
I picked Physics, Maths, and English Literature but I might ask them to let me do Further Maths if I get an offer since I didn't get a predicted 8 for maths in December but I did in the mock after I applied. Idk if you can actually do that though. Economics sounds interesting, do you want to do it at university too?

Yeah it is interesting! i do it at gcse as well, but for uni I'm thinking medicine cause of chemistry but I'm stuck between the two! I think even if we don't get in we can still show them our results on results day and they'll consider us, I'm not 100% sure but I think most schools do do that.
Reply 15
Original post by waffles16
i applied but my predicted for science back in dec was 6-5 (because i was super sick and didnt revise at all) but recently in my mocks i got a 9-8?? so idk if ill acc get in if they just see the 6-5 😬😬
I also had an issue like this. My school does not actually do pred grades, so I still have my target grades from year 6. I emailed them, and they said they could update my predicted grades, but only if your teacher contacts them to say so but I think it's a bit late now for that, so we just have to firm whatever decision we get, smash our GCSEs, and get the grades, then we can apply again on results day!
Reply 16
Did anyone else get an offer today?
Yeah I did too. I was really shocked that they sent it today, I had given up by now.
Reply 18
Original post by surelythisworks
Yeah I did too. I was really shocked that they sent it today, I had given up by now.

Yea same because all the other schools i had applied to had already sent out offers so i was getting a little worried. What subjects did you get in for?
Reply 19
Did anyone else get an offer today?

Yh I got an offer,I thought I’d get rejected cause I live 1.5 hours away.I might email to change to 4 Alevels

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