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Can I do a dual degree and how many years

Hello , I want to do law and environmental science as two degrees and at the same time , I love biology and geography so I decided to environmental science but as a child I have always loved and seen myself as a lawyer and not ready to do one at a time, is this possible and where can I do it
It is possible to study two subjects at the same time. This is called a joint honours. Unfortunately I've not seen an undergraduate joint honours in Law and environmental science at any uk university. That doesn't mean it doesn't exist but you may have to search for it and consider going abroad to study. There are a couple of other options. Lancaster has a Law and the environment masters degree course. So you could get a bachelors degree in env sci and then take a one year Masters. The other alternative is to do a one year law conversion course after completing an env sci undergraduate course.
You can't study two full-time degrees in parallel.

Do Environnemental Science, get that done and then do a postgrad Law course designed for those with a degree in a different subject.
Examples - MA Law | Study at Bristol | University of Bristol
and Law with Environmental Law, Governance and Policy Birkbeck, University of London (
As above, that's not possible in the UK.

However you can become a lawyer with any first degree - to become a solicitor you don't need a law degree at all, and to become a barrister you can just do a GDL course.

So just do environmental science and then go into law :smile:
Original post by le.myky
Hello , I want to do law and environmental science as two degrees and at the same time , I love biology and geography so I decided to environmental science but as a child I have always loved and seen myself as a lawyer and not ready to do one at a time, is this possible and where can I do it

Hi @le.myky

It isn't possible in the UK to study two full-time degrees at the same time, however, you can study a dual honours degree which is one degree but made up of the two subjects you are interested in doing.

I hope this helps and good luck 🙂


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