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gyg - making the most of my education + 2024 goal list :)

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Happy bday 🥳

Hope you're having the most lovely day!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAYYAYY i hope you're having an amazing 18 🤍🤍🎉🎉
Happy Birthday ❤️ @MP_25
Happy birthday!!! I hope this is your year, cheers to turning 18! 🩶
Reply 65
25th jan 🎂:
hiya everyone, firstly thank you all for the birthday wishes <33 [crazy i'm actually an adult now like whattt ?!?!?] also my parents pulling the craziest stunt and buying me a VINYL PLAYER was unexpected (it's also NOT A SUITCASE ONE) god now i'm gonna go broke buying vinyls instead of growing my cd collection + had some family friends who bought some lil things (let's just say tomorrow once my mocks are officially done i'll be having a fair bitt of fun :wink: (responsibly duh))

anywayyyy now onto the important stuff [as i'm currently listening to evermore on vinyl (AHHHH)]:
had my physics paper two today and BOY was it an experience that paper took all my energy haha but thankfully the two 6 markers were abt the same thing (so luckyy) so overall it was pretty okayy
maths stats + mech tmrw tho :s-smilie: idk how to feel abt it i think i will prob be okay but im doing some more stats revision since i CANNOT with large data sets and all that stuff but probabilities and venns are lovely so we'll be fine regardless hopefully :smile:

that's all for now <3
happy birthday!!
Original post by MP_25
25th jan 🎂:
hiya everyone, firstly thank you all for the birthday wishes <33 [crazy i'm actually an adult now like whattt ?!?!?] also my parents pulling the craziest stunt and buying me a VINYL PLAYER was unexpected (it's also NOT A SUITCASE ONE) god now i'm gonna go broke buying vinyls instead of growing my cd collection + had some family friends who bought some lil things (let's just say tomorrow once my mocks are officially done i'll be having a fair bitt of fun :wink: (responsibly duh))

anywayyyy now onto the important stuff [as i'm currently listening to evermore on vinyl (AHHHH)]:
had my physics paper two today and BOY was it an experience that paper took all my energy haha but thankfully the two 6 markers were abt the same thing (so luckyy) so overall it was pretty okayy
maths stats + mech tmrw tho :s-smilie: idk how to feel abt it i think i will prob be okay but im doing some more stats revision since i CANNOT with large data sets and all that stuff but probabilities and venns are lovely so we'll be fine regardless hopefully :smile:

that's all for now <3

good luck with maths tmrw!! mocks are almost overrr - rooting for you ❤️
Reply 68
29th jan:
happy moday everyone :smile:
first day back after mocks TOOK ME OUT cause obvs had to have a full day oof but at least i don't have to get up at like 6am in the morning anymore for exams :biggrin:
teachers have been pretty chill tho which is nice as well but imma take a chill evening today and generally i don't have too much to do anyway haha
plan for this week:
do maths hw- applied projectiles video + question sheet + pure numerical methods (i think thats what it's called) sheet
chem chromatography + qualitative analysis sheet
i'm hoping i have the motivation and do thew majority of it tmrw during my morning study and also into my weds free before lunch cause then i'd be done for the week so hopefully if all goes well i will end up having a nice chill week :biggrin:
Original post by MP_25
29th jan:
happy moday everyone :smile:
first day back after mocks TOOK ME OUT cause obvs had to have a full day oof but at least i don't have to get up at like 6am in the morning anymore for exams :biggrin:
teachers have been pretty chill tho which is nice as well but imma take a chill evening today and generally i don't have too much to do anyway haha
plan for this week:
do maths hw- applied projectiles video + question sheet + pure numerical methods (i think thats what it's called) sheet
chem chromatography + qualitative analysis sheet
i'm hoping i have the motivation and do thew majority of it tmrw during my morning study and also into my weds free before lunch cause then i'd be done for the week so hopefully if all goes well i will end up having a nice chill week :biggrin:

Congrats on finishing your mocks! So proud of you x
Original post by MP_25
just got another offer yayyy!!!
sheffield chem this time, higher requirement than i expected to get but i still need to fil out their disrupted studies form + other stuff so maybe they'll put in some added consideration 🤞

i don't know what this forum is, but i love to see your progress it gives me motivation, so im defo following this :]]]]]
Original post by amiinthebuilding
i don't know what this forum is, but i love to see your progress it gives me motivation, so im defo following this :]]]]]

it's called 'grow your grades' where people document their academic journeys. you can take a look at other ones here: (4) Grow your Grades - The Student Room
Reply 72
4th Feb:
happy sunday everyone :smile:)

ONE WEEK TIL HALF TERMMMMM!!!! i'm so happy to get a break oml (yes we did just have study leave but mocks ew)
so far no mock result news, i got my maths paper back for about 15 mins (we're not actually allowed them properly back??) but no grade + they always slightly* alter the grade boundaries so not like i can get too good an estimate so far (right now im guessing i'm btween a B/C which i'm maybe not the happiest about but also we had some funky marking so we'll only know once they reanalyse our marking)

anyway as for productivity not gonna lie i've gotten in a bit of a slump (i'm CONSTANTLY feeling ill which isn't helping) + we're in "grinding season" so obviously so much hw right after mocks aha. i got through all the work i was set until about weds and i've still got another 2 sheets for pure, some questions we haven't gotten for applied (but it's later in the week), physics questions (also not up yet haha) and some questions for chem trmw
i'm still a bit iffy today (i've been doing nothing laying down the whole day oof it's not fun) but i've got some kinda energy so i'm going to at least do my chem work and see how i feel abt some maths, if not i have a half day tmrw so more than enough time to catch up anyway :smile:

that's all for now peace out ;3
Original post by MP_25
4th Feb:
happy sunday everyone :smile:)

ONE WEEK TIL HALF TERMMMMM!!!! i'm so happy to get a break oml (yes we did just have study leave but mocks ew)
so far no mock result news, i got my maths paper back for about 15 mins (we're not actually allowed them properly back??) but no grade + they always slightly* alter the grade boundaries so not like i can get too good an estimate so far (right now im guessing i'm btween a B/C which i'm maybe not the happiest about but also we had some funky marking so we'll only know once they reanalyse our marking)

anyway as for productivity not gonna lie i've gotten in a bit of a slump (i'm CONSTANTLY feeling ill which isn't helping) + we're in "grinding season" so obviously so much hw right after mocks aha. i got through all the work i was set until about weds and i've still got another 2 sheets for pure, some questions we haven't gotten for applied (but it's later in the week), physics questions (also not up yet haha) and some questions for chem trmw
i'm still a bit iffy today (i've been doing nothing laying down the whole day oof it's not fun) but i've got some kinda energy so i'm going to at least do my chem work and see how i feel abt some maths, if not i have a half day tmrw so more than enough time to catch up anyway :smile:

that's all for now peace out ;3

well done for doing what you can x ❤️
Reply 74
21st feb:
hey everyone :smile: i haven't been on here for a while oops but half term last week was so refreshing, i went skiing for the first time which was an experience haha (i ended up injuring my wrist but we're surviving ahah)

thankfully this week has been chill enough i only had a full day monday > talk about fully LAUNCHING into schoolwork right after half term, but no hw so far except maths so i have time to revisit/improve my other subjects from mocks - i'm trying SO HARD to stay consistent but it's so tough.
so we have a v light plan for this week since i only need to finish off maths applied exercises for friday + get a move on with pure (due next week but i've got it 50% done anyways)

i'm going to exeter on fri as well for the saturday offer holder day so that's gonna be fun but also informative since it's probs my top choice so far of the offers i have so it'll be nice going there and meeting new ppl
ill try actually keep consistent with this as its only 90ish days til my first exam (AHHHH)

okie dokie thats all for noww :3
Original post by MP_25
21st feb:
hey everyone :smile: i haven't been on here for a while oops but half term last week was so refreshing, i went skiing for the first time which was an experience haha (i ended up injuring my wrist but we're surviving ahah)

thankfully this week has been chill enough i only had a full day monday > talk about fully LAUNCHING into schoolwork right after half term, but no hw so far except maths so i have time to revisit/improve my other subjects from mocks - i'm trying SO HARD to stay consistent but it's so tough.
so we have a v light plan for this week since i only need to finish off maths applied exercises for friday + get a move on with pure (due next week but i've got it 50% done anyways)

i'm going to exeter on fri as well for the saturday offer holder day so that's gonna be fun but also informative since it's probs my top choice so far of the offers i have so it'll be nice going there and meeting new ppl
ill try actually keep consistent with this as its only 90ish days til my first exam (AHHHH)

okie dokie thats all for noww :3
Great to hear you enjoyed half term, and good luck for your tasks this week x
Original post by MP_25
21st feb:
hey everyone :smile: i haven't been on here for a while oops but half term last week was so refreshing, i went skiing for the first time which was an experience haha (i ended up injuring my wrist but we're surviving ahah)

thankfully this week has been chill enough i only had a full day monday > talk about fully LAUNCHING into schoolwork right after half term, but no hw so far except maths so i have time to revisit/improve my other subjects from mocks - i'm trying SO HARD to stay consistent but it's so tough.
so we have a v light plan for this week since i only need to finish off maths applied exercises for friday + get a move on with pure (due next week but i've got it 50% done anyways)

i'm going to exeter on fri as well for the saturday offer holder day so that's gonna be fun but also informative since it's probs my top choice so far of the offers i have so it'll be nice going there and meeting new ppl
ill try actually keep consistent with this as its only 90ish days til my first exam (AHHHH)

okie dokie thats all for noww :3

good luckkk :smile:
Original post by MP_25
21st feb:
hey everyone :smile: i haven't been on here for a while oops but half term last week was so refreshing, i went skiing for the first time which was an experience haha (i ended up injuring my wrist but we're surviving ahah)

thankfully this week has been chill enough i only had a full day monday > talk about fully LAUNCHING into schoolwork right after half term, but no hw so far except maths so i have time to revisit/improve my other subjects from mocks - i'm trying SO HARD to stay consistent but it's so tough.
so we have a v light plan for this week since i only need to finish off maths applied exercises for friday + get a move on with pure (due next week but i've got it 50% done anyways)

i'm going to exeter on fri as well for the saturday offer holder day so that's gonna be fun but also informative since it's probs my top choice so far of the offers i have so it'll be nice going there and meeting new ppl
ill try actually keep consistent with this as its only 90ish days til my first exam (AHHHH)

okie dokie thats all for noww :3
Skiing sounds fun! I haven't been yet but I'd really like to go - hopefully your wrist is better now?
Exeter seems really cool - I think I'll apply (in 2 years time) - please lmk how you find it!!!
Have an amazing weekend ⭐️
Original post by MP_25
21st feb:
hey everyone :smile: i haven't been on here for a while oops but half term last week was so refreshing, i went skiing for the first time which was an experience haha (i ended up injuring my wrist but we're surviving ahah)

thankfully this week has been chill enough i only had a full day monday > talk about fully LAUNCHING into schoolwork right after half term, but no hw so far except maths so i have time to revisit/improve my other subjects from mocks - i'm trying SO HARD to stay consistent but it's so tough.
so we have a v light plan for this week since i only need to finish off maths applied exercises for friday + get a move on with pure (due next week but i've got it 50% done anyways)

i'm going to exeter on fri as well for the saturday offer holder day so that's gonna be fun but also informative since it's probs my top choice so far of the offers i have so it'll be nice going there and meeting new ppl
ill try actually keep consistent with this as its only 90ish days til my first exam (AHHHH)

okie dokie thats all for noww :3
hope your wrist is not too bad!! hope you have a good time at Exeter
Original post by MP_25
21st feb:
hey everyone :smile: i haven't been on here for a while oops but half term last week was so refreshing, i went skiing for the first time which was an experience haha (i ended up injuring my wrist but we're surviving ahah)

thankfully this week has been chill enough i only had a full day monday > talk about fully LAUNCHING into schoolwork right after half term, but no hw so far except maths so i have time to revisit/improve my other subjects from mocks - i'm trying SO HARD to stay consistent but it's so tough.
so we have a v light plan for this week since i only need to finish off maths applied exercises for friday + get a move on with pure (due next week but i've got it 50% done anyways)

i'm going to exeter on fri as well for the saturday offer holder day so that's gonna be fun but also informative since it's probs my top choice so far of the offers i have so it'll be nice going there and meeting new ppl
ill try actually keep consistent with this as its only 90ish days til my first exam (AHHHH)

okie dokie thats all for noww :3
let us know how the exeter offer holder day went x ❤️

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