If I fail my AS exams then quit the course and a year later take the A level exam for the course I quitted would that count as retaking the a level despite being the first time taking the actual A level exam?
If I fail my AS exams then quit the course and a year later take the A level exam for the course I quitted would that count as retaking the a level despite being the first time taking the actual A level exam?
Not retaking, no. But it might be seen by some unis as having taken three years to complete a two-year course.
Are you in Wales or Northern Ireland, where A level qualifications are the result of AS exams (contributing 40% of the final grade) and A2 exams (contributing 60% of the final grade)?
Or are you in England, where AS qualifications are entirely separate from A level qualifications? (In England students don't take formal AS exams at the end of year 12 for their A level subjects. They take internal end-of-year exams instead.)
Not retaking, no. But it might be seen by some unis as having taken three years to complete a two-year course.
Are you in Wales or Northern Ireland, where A level qualifications are the result of AS exams (contributing 40% of the final grade) and A2 exams (contributing 60% of the final grade)?
Or are you in England, where AS qualifications are entirely separate from A level qualifications? (In England students don't take formal AS exams at the end of year 12 for their A level subjects. They take internal end-of-year exams instead.)
OK. An A level in England is a single two-year course. Taking an AS level in the same subject (which is an entirety separate qualification in England) would be very usual.
Did you take formal external AS exams, marked by an exam board, and with the resulting grade being issued by an exam board? Or were the papers set and marked by your school, just like end-of-year exams?
Also, you use the word "fail". Does that mean a U grade, or just a grade you were disappointed with?