The Student Room Group

UCL Admissions test for CS

Hi, I've recently been informed that I may need to undertake the STAT (Special Tertiary Admissions Test) as a part of the UCL admissions process for Computer Science. This is the first year they are implementing this for candidates. I'm hoping to find some students who may have undertaken the test for other courses in order to get some guidance on how best to revise and prepare- the test is not CS specific, so may well be used by other unis for other courses. Would really appreciate any help people could provide!
Has anyone received the result of the ACER STAT? The result should have been announced today.
Original post by Anonymous
Has anyone received the result of the ACER STAT? The result should have been announced today.

no, I don't know how to find out, and can't find where they said it would be announced today, I think they changed what they put on their website. Must be a delay.
The result are out, go to check
Do people think UCL will heavily consider verbal reasoning for CS?
Has anyone received news from UCL CS? The STAT results are out, anyone got received notification from UCL or UCAS yet?

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