The Student Room Group

Coping with mock exam stress

I am currently doing my mocks. I keep having moments where I feel like there's no point of doing them because I'm going to fail anyway and it's making me feel run down and upset all the time. Any advice?
Original post by Natasha_corder
I am currently doing my mocks. I keep having moments where I feel like there's no point of doing them because I'm going to fail anyway and it's making me feel run down and upset all the time. Any advice?

Hi @Natasha_corder

Sorry to hear you're feeling down about your mocks.

I know the stress of exams all too well, so I know how you feel, and how easy it is to doubt yourself. But a negative attitude towards your exams will only make you feel worse, as you say you've been feeling.

To help ease my stress and worries for my mocks, I firstly took the pressure off them by seeing them as a way to improve myself rather than to tell me how good or bad I have done. Some subjects I did pretty well in, and others not so good. But I tired to look at the not so good results as a way of finding out what I need to do for the real exams. And the subjects where you achieve grades you're happy about, you can keep working at in a steady pace.

It is easier said than done, I know, to just flip your mindset to a more positive one regarding your mocks and exams, but it all starts with the way you talk to yourself. Try to be kinder to yourself and think about how well you will do, or how you've been working really hard, no matter the exam result.

Also, try your best to take care of yourself too. When I'm studying, I find it really easy to get caught up in my work and I don't take proper breaks, and forget about things I like doing. So try to make some time for quality rest, where you're taking care of yourself.

I hope this helps and best of luck in your exams!
Emily 🙂
Student Rep at BCU

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