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Grade Growth Chronicles | From C's to A's (23-24)

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Reply 40
Original post by kayleigh_t.27
Well done on your biology mock!! So proud of you!

Thank you so much :smile:
Reply 41
-> Went over all of Chapter 19 - have a test on it this tuesday - and did most q's i could find on the topic
-> took about 5 hours (really long time for some reason) - so thats all i did today
Reply 42
-> I did the chemistry test and got a shocker of a C :0 , Made some very stupid errors and crossed out my answers when they were right lol
-> so i spent the majority of the day today doing a bunch of q's on equilibrium (Machem Guy's Q's and Study Mind Equilibrium pack)
-> I was very drained today so i ended up just adding to my flashcards and going to bed :smile:
Original post by A.2KK
-> I did the chemistry test and got a shocker of a C :0 , Made some very stupid errors and crossed out my answers when they were right lol
-> so i spent the majority of the day today doing a bunch of q's on equilibrium (Machem Guy's Q's and Study Mind Equilibrium pack)
-> I was very drained today so i ended up just adding to my flashcards and going to bed :smile:

Well done - a C is still amazing! It's good to hear that you know how to improve though and you're actively working on that - so proud of you 🙂
Reply 44
-> ATP Blurt
-> Introduction to Mod 5 Acids, Bases + Ph
-> Mitochondria + Aerobic Respiration Guided Booklet
-> Lecture on Cycles in Bio
-> Made Pluralism Flashcards
Reply 45
18/01/2024 - Chem Focused Day
5 1/2 hrs of Chem
-> Self taught Chapter 20
Reply 46
-> more exam q's on chapter 20
-> review chemistry test
->all of kerboodle q's on chapter 20 including end of topic q's
(tried to find q's online but they all seemed to be mixed in with buffer's which we haven't learnt yet in school!)
-> tweaked and basically finalized all of my rs and chem flashcards
(edited 1 year ago)
Reply 47
Original post by kayleigh_t.27
Well done - a C is still amazing! It's good to hear that you know how to improve though and you're actively working on that - so proud of you 🙂

thank you :smile:
Reply 48
-> Watch ITTIT videos on Nature Attributes of God , Religious Lang + - , Religious Lang: 20th Century
-> Memorize Conscience Flashcards + Read Article on Freud
Reply 49
-> Chemistry HW - Acid, Bases Practice Test, General HW q's
-> Chem Tutorial (chap 20 end q's review)
-> Bio Tutorial (kahoot and light reactions)
-> Dihybrid Inheritance (Practicing drawing the squares)
Flashcards Review for:
B2.1 Microscopes
B4.2 - 4.4 Enzymes
B3.11 ATP
B2.5 Plant Cell Ultrastructure
B2.4 Eukaryotic Cell Structure
B2.3 Labelled View of Microscope
-> tried to learn how to calculate graticules but failed lol
Original post by A.2KK
-> Chemistry HW - Acid, Bases Practice Test, General HW q's
-> Chem Tutorial (chap 20 end q's review)
-> Bio Tutorial (kahoot and light reactions)
-> Dihybrid Inheritance (Practicing drawing the squares)
Flashcards Review for:
B2.1 Microscopes
B4.2 - 4.4 Enzymes
B3.11 ATP
B2.5 Plant Cell Ultrastructure
B2.4 Eukaryotic Cell Structure
B2.3 Labelled View of Microscope
-> tried to learn how to calculate graticules but failed lol

Good luck!
Reply 51
Original post by kayleigh_t.27
Good luck!

Thank you :smile:
Reply 52
-> Buffers, PH Calculations + Neutralisation - taught myself 3 chapters
-> did all of the summary q's in kerboodle + end of topic chapter q's for those topics
-> review on some cell structure q's
-> made flashc on religious language + mod 5 bits and bobs from chem
Reply 53
-> Study Mind Practice Q's
-> PH Buffers 1,2,3 papers
-> Summary Q's Revision Guide ocr Chap 21
Reply 54
-> Dihydbrid 10 Minute Recap + Sex Linked Traits
-> Module 4 Chapter 1 Basics of Organic Chemistry

Formulas, Carbon Skeletons, Alkanes and Nomenclature , Structural Isomers

-> Alevel Biology Exam Practice Book - 2 pages (15/21)
-> Half of Mod 2 Flashcards Blurt
Reply 55
-> Powered through Biology Anki Flashcards
-> Eukaryotic Cell Structure, Microscopy, Organelles of Protein Synthesis, Prokaryotes, The Cytoskeleton, Lipids, Monosaccharides & Disaccharides, Enzyme Action, Enzyme Inhibition, Factor Affecting Enzymes, Body Plans, Autosomal Linkage
-> Chemistry HW Buffers
-> The Nitrogen Cycle
Reply 56
-. Biology Anki Flashcards (Polysaccarides , Proteins , Water + Tests for Bio Molecules and Chromotography)
-> Entropy Tutorial + Review Buffers End of Chapter Q's
-. Biology Tutorial -> Review Q's relating to Light Independent Reaction + Photosynthesis
Reply 57
1/02/2024: Checklist for Today
-> Bio Anki Flashcards ✔️
-> Some Chemistry Random Flashcards - ✔️
-> CGP Q'S Bio ✔️
-> Cell Structure Q's 1,2,3, ✔️
-> Enzymes Q's 1,2, ✔️
-> Buffers HW - ✔️
-> Conscience , Ethics, Essay Plan Written up - ✔️
-> The Challenge of Secularism Essay Plans - ✔️
-> Pluralism + Theology HW ✔️
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by A.2KK
1/02/2024: Checklist for Today
-> Bio Anki Flashcards
-> Some Chemistry Random Flashcards
-> Buffers HW
-> Conscience , Ethics, Essay Plan Written up
-> The Challenge of Secularism Flashcards + Essay Plans
-> Finish off Lesson from Photosynthesis + Respiration + Energy transfers in Ecosystems
-> Print off Eutrophication + Response
-> Pluralism + Theology Flashcards memorize
-> Bit of Organic Chem + Lattice Enthalpy

Well done on all your hard work!
Reply 59
Original post by kayleigh_t.27
Well done on all your hard work!


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