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Reply 1
"OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH........I'd rather be at Oxford than St Johns......Yes I'd rather be at Oxford than St Johns...."

Sing with me everyone!
in truth, most colleges are pretty decent. except st hugh's, i actually like my colleges in oxford.
Reply 3
What on earth is wrong with Hugh's? :eek:
it's about 555 miles to the north.
Reply 5
it's about 555 miles to the north.

That's St Hugh's College, Edinburgh.

Oxford's St Hugh's is much closer, and closer than many colleges to the Science Area.

My worst five colleges - for personal non-academic reasons, mainly because I find them somewhat cramped are (in alphabetical order):

1. Brasenose
2. Hertford
3. Oriel
4. Pembroke
5. St Edmund Hall.

Like I say though, each to their own.
Reply 6
That's St Hugh's College, Edinburgh.

Oxford's St Hugh's is much closer, and closer than many colleges to the Science Area.

My worst five colleges - for personal non-academic reasons, mainly because I find them somewhat cramped are (in alphabetical order):

1. Brasenose
2. Hertford
3. Oriel
4. Pembroke
5. St Edmund Hall.

Like I say though, each to their own.

Oh good, none of my (long) short-list are in there, yay! :biggrin:
Reply 7
that's a difficult question to answer. colleges can be quite idiosyncratic and therefore each has its own charms and peculiarities. as such i don't really have five that i think are particularly worse than others. if the question was to choose five colleges that i wouldn't really want to go to, it would be something along the lines of...

1. magdalen (too overblown),
2. christ church (too moneyed),
3. teddy hall (too stifling),
4. merton (too serious)
5. LMH (too far).

but they're hardly 'bad' colleges, and i'd probably come to love those characteristics if i studied there.
Reply 8
that's a difficult question to answer. colleges can be quite idiosyncratic and therefore each has its own charms and peculiarities. as such i don't really have five that i think are particularly worse than others. if the question was to choose five colleges that i wouldn't really want to go to, it would be something along the lines of...

1. magdalen (too overblown),
2. christ church (too moneyed),
3. teddy hall (too stifling),
4. merton (too serious)
5. LMH (too far).

but they're hardly 'bad' colleges, and i'd probably come to love those characteristics if i studied there.

LMH really isn't far away if you actually walk/cycle it. Looks it on a map maybe. It's also the coolest Oxbridge college.
Reply 9
christ church did seem to be like one gigantic, dominating stereotype.
i'm also not very fond of St Johns (cambridge), their students did security for the societies fair at the beginning of term, and they were seriously absolute complete and utter dicks. completely off their rockers/deluded as to what their role was. it's people like that who are giving johns a bad image.
Reply 10
Yay! Glad to see other people don't like Brasenose either :p: (but then it's only fair they're at war with us when many years ago we sort of helped one of their students be murdered :frown: )

Unfortunately I've forgotten the rather rude song about them....will try and remember it and post it!
Reply 11
i'm also not very fond of St Johns (cambridge), their students did security for the societies fair at the beginning of term, and they were seriously absolute complete and utter dicks. completely off their rockers/deluded as to what their role was. it's people like that who are giving johns a bad image.

Fortunately, there are people like me to give it a good image. :smile:
It's not as bad as people make out.
Reply 12
Personally: (and in alphabetical order (and for Cambridge))

Christ's - Too pressurised
Girton - Too far away
Homerton - Ditto Girton
King's - Too touristy and they have the worst Porters of all the Cambridge college
Trinity - Too big

Though I agree with the ethos set throughout the thread; very, very few colleges are actually 'bad' as such, but different colleges suit certain student more than others.
Reply 13
Fortunately, there are people like me to give it a good image. :smile:
It's not as bad as people make out.

yep, I fortunately know a few lovely lovely people there from STEP school, and they are really cool.
I've an irrational dislike of Mansfield (Ox), and Hertford doesn't sit too well with me for some reason.
Reply 15
that's a difficult question to answer. colleges can be quite idiosyncratic and therefore each has its own charms and peculiarities. as such i don't really have five that i think are particularly worse than others. if the question was to choose five colleges that i wouldn't really want to go to, it would be something along the lines of...

1. magdalen (too overblown),
2. christ church (too moneyed),
3. teddy hall (too stifling),
4. merton (too serious)
5. LMH (too far).

but they're hardly 'bad' colleges, and i'd probably come to love those characteristics if i studied there.

too moneyed is bad?
Reply 16
the general consensus for bad cambridge colleges seems to be:

St John's- too posh
Girton- too far away
Churchill- too ugly
Homerton- too far away in the other direction
New Hall or Christs-boring/too scary

but then every college has its bad points, so its hard to judge. homerton and girton (as well as the girls colleges) are renowned as being the ones that get the most pooled applications though
Reply 17

1. magdalen (too overblown),

*inflated almost to the point of explosion..* is that the architecture, or..? :confused:

anyway, mine, no particular order:

St Catz - just don't like the architecture
St Hughs - can't think about with a straight face following a dubious experience with a rather rah student from there
the central Turl street indistinguishable masses :wink:
Merton - scary tutors

a couple of colleges have weird/morose/nerdy 2nd year medics, but that would be rather mean to comment on.. :wink:

& i'm sure i have a few college rivalries i should dislike, can't exactly remember who they are.. Queens/New/Oriel?
Cambridge colleges

St John's
Reply 19
i dont see why people put girton so far down the list. OK it's got a big disadvantage being so far out, but other than that it's a pretty good place! I'd say it's 5th worst at worst! I'd definitely put fitzwilliam and churchill lower down....something like this:

St Johns