The Student Room Group

RWCMD Application

I have applied to the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama for Performance Design and have received offers or portfolio invitations from all of my other choices but not Royal Welsh. I was wondering if anyone knows when I will be asked to send my portfolio/be given an interview invitation?
I emailed them a few days ago but have not received a reply yet.

Thanks. :smile:
(edited 1 year ago)
Hi! Sorry to ask this especially as it’s for a different course, but how long did it eventually take for you to hear back from them? I’ve applied for a MA in Acting and it’s been over a month since I submitted my application but I still haven’t heard about an invite to audition. I’m in the same boat as you were where I’ve heard back from all my other choices so I’m just a bit anxious about the admin side for Royal Welsh!
Reply 2
Original post by OneBananaQueen
Hi! Sorry to ask this especially as it’s for a different course, but how long did it eventually take for you to hear back from them? I’ve applied for a MA in Acting and it’s been over a month since I submitted my application but I still haven’t heard about an invite to audition. I’m in the same boat as you were where I’ve heard back from all my other choices so I’m just a bit anxious about the admin side for Royal Welsh!
Hi!! I never got a reply to my email but i received an invite to an interview at the start of feb and i did it on the 12th! i think that interviews for the design course are still ongoing so im assuming that they might still be processing applications for other courses? i hope you hear back soon though :smile:
Reply 3
Original post by tulipinacup_
Hi!! I never got a reply to my email but i received an invite to an interview at the start of feb and i did it on the 12th! i think that interviews for the design course are still ongoing so im assuming that they might still be processing applications for other courses? i hope you hear back soon though :smile:

Hi - how did you get on with your rwcmd application?

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