I am terribly sorry this is a situation you have found yourself in.
If you are able to and as you have stated find the positives, as you have said you are earning money from this course and probably along with it a lot experience in your chosen field especially with a placement coming up which will be highly beneficial. At the placement take the opportunity to meet people and make connections within your field that's what they are there for and can offer a different space too!
Are you aware of any mental health services on your campus? If not look into them, they can offer a lot of support and make you feel not so alone and help with those worries of feeling such emotions you have listed.
Also remember this is not forever, as someone who deals with such emotions one of the most important things I tell myself is "this is not permanent and not forever".
Something else I can suggest doing is (if you don't already) things like FaceTiming family and friends were you can, this can help you feel connected to them despite the distance quite well, and could recommend you doing this before going to sleep too.
With struggling to sleep what techniques have you tried to try and overcome this? What used to help me is watching videos on YouTube or familiar films or shows, like a comfort film or show, as the talking would help the space around me not feel empty, or maybe try some exercises to tire yourself out more too so you're more ready for sleep.
Hope this helps, good luck!
Katie (Film Graduate)
University of Wolverhampton