The Student Room Group

do sixth forms look at year 10 attendance

just wondering if sixth forms especially grammar look at year 10/11 attendance and use it as a factor when reviewing your application, my attendance is terrible and my school keeps pestering me saying that it will affect my applications,
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Original post by ari_chch
just wondering if sixth forms especially grammar look at year 10/11 attendance and use it as a factor when reviewing your application, my attendance is terrible and my school keeps pestering me saying that it will affect my applications,

where i live there weren’t many 6th forms and mainly just colleges but my college was pretty highly ranked for a while and still is probably the best in wales and didn’t seem to care at all about my attendance but im not too sure about sort of the super competitive sixth forms but i doubt they’d have access to attendance data for every student that applies, as long as you try to improve it in year 11 and do good in ur gcses you should be fine for it

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