Im a first year in Wessex at the moment. It's awesome. The corridors are mixed, and its the only hall that has open corridors throughout (I think) So you get to know basically everyone. Im having a great time.
Wessex is really a nice hall. It is close to the Whitenights Lake, and is one of those halls closes to the centre of campus. I dont think wessex is single sex and is self catered. If you wanna be where the social life is at come to Childs as wessex sucks. WELL THEY DONT SUCK AS MUCH AS WANTAGE!
Wessex is definately the choice that most people put down first for self-catering. I applied for it but got my second choice in Sibly, it's got single sex corridors but that doesn't really matter as you're only a floor away from the other sex so everyone is intermingled it's a really social hall too and most people are up for a night out
I was in Wessex last year and loved it, the open corridor plan makes it really sociable and most of the toilets and showers aren't that bad. I actually wrote most of the section about Wessex in this Wiki on this site so have a look and it should help
Haha Wantage/Wessex rivalry! Wantage does not suck, it's awesome! And I'm common. And I love it. It's mixed sex, open corridors, we have carpet on the floor not lino and our dining hall looks like Hogwarts. YAY.
room T28 is on the third floor (go up the main stairs and it will be through the doors on the left). Wessex has three floors and each room number corresponds to which floor its on - eg F28 will be on first floor S28 will be on second floor..ect. hope that helps
Hey guys, I was looking to apply to Wessex but just wanted to ask a few quick questions first. I would have liked an en suite but most of them are so expensive, is it much of a hassle having to share bathroom facilities? I'm not particularly fussy but just for privacy purposes! Secondly I really would like mixed corridors so would I be guarenteed to get a mixed one? I'm seriously considering put it as my first but also the bars underneath seem like they might cause a bit of noise?? Any help would be great, cheers!!
Hey guys, I was looking to apply to Wessex but just wanted to ask a few quick questions first. I would have liked an en suite but most of them are so expensive, is it much of a hassle having to share bathroom facilities? I'm not particularly fussy but just for privacy purposes! Secondly I really would like mixed corridors so would I be guarenteed to get a mixed one? I'm seriously considering put it as my first but also the bars underneath seem like they might cause a bit of noise?? Any help would be great, cheers!!
Yeh everything is mixed, but as Wessex is completely open it's not like a flat where people just stick to those who they share with. I ended up with friends from every kitchen on my floor plus quite a few from the floor above. En suite is a complete waste of money in my opinion, I never had to wait to use the showers once and they're cleaned daily. You've got a sink in your room which is quite useful. Also, the bar is dead most of the time. You don't get people pre-drinking in there or anything. My group of friends used it a lot and half the time we were the only ones there!
Ah that's good then! I love that its all open, the more social the better! What was your freshers week like? I've heard that all halls do different things, is it any good?
Ah that's good then! I love that its all open, the more social the better! What was your freshers week like? I've heard that all halls do different things, is it any good?
I wasn't in Wessex for Freshers week. I lived in another hall (which has now been closed down) but moved after a few weeks because it wasn't that great to live in, facilities were crap and it was miles out of the way. However from what my friends from Wessex told me we had almost identical weeks!
On move in day the JCR did a barbeque, showed us around the hall etc then we had a meet and greet in the bar. Then in the week we'd just sit in the kitchens talking, maybe go to another floor and meet more people (everyone is so open cos they're worried they won't make friends) until it was time to drink and go out. Alternative events were organised for those who couldn't get tickets/didn't want to go out like karaoke, pub quiz, film nights etc and a lot of people went to them. We went and explored campus/Reading city centre and Freshers fair was on, so a lot of people lived off free Domino's Pizza for the week.
Freshers was brilliant but it doesn't compare to when you have a proper group of friends.
I wasn't in Wessex for Freshers week. I lived in another hall (which has now been closed down) but moved after a few weeks because it wasn't that great to live in, facilities were crap and it was miles out of the way. However from what my friends from Wessex told me we had almost identical weeks!
On move in day the JCR did a barbeque, showed us around the hall etc then we had a meet and greet in the bar. Then in the week we'd just sit in the kitchens talking, maybe go to another floor and meet more people (everyone is so open cos they're worried they won't make friends) until it was time to drink and go out. Alternative events were organised for those who couldn't get tickets/didn't want to go out like karaoke, pub quiz, film nights etc and a lot of people went to them. We went and explored campus/Reading city centre and Freshers fair was on, so a lot of people lived off free Domino's Pizza for the week.
Freshers was brilliant but it doesn't compare to when you have a proper group of friends.
Oh that sounds great! I heard there is that entourage project thing that they do on freshers but only for Childs hall the other Park halls, does this mean that the other halls don't get to attend? Haha it sounds great, cheers for the info!
Oh that sounds great! I heard there is that entourage project thing that they do on freshers but only for Childs hall the other Park halls, does this mean that the other halls don't get to attend? Haha it sounds great, cheers for the info!
Each hall does their own individual thing, for example you'd go to club A on Monday, club B on Tuesday, club C on Wednesday whereas another hall would do club C on Monday... you get the idea. You'll all be at the student union on Wednesday tho
Entourage Project are a promoting group that run a different student night each day of the week. They're very popular nights but in my opinion really over rated, it's not cool queueing up for an eternity and not being able to move once you get in.
Each hall does their own individual thing, for example you'd go to club A on Monday, club B on Tuesday, club C on Wednesday whereas another hall would do club C on Monday... you get the idea. You'll all be at the student union on Wednesday tho
Entourage Project are a promoting group that run a different student night each day of the week. They're very popular nights but in my opinion really over rated, it's not cool queueing up for an eternity and not being able to move once you get in.
Oh I see, I'm really looking forward to staying in Wessex now as long as I'm not having to share shower facilities with 100's of people, I assume it won't be that many, anyway! Haha also I hope the building work going on next door won't be too much of a hassle (not that ill be looking for any early nights)
Guys I have a firm place at reading and am going this year cause I took a gap year and I am SOOOO EXCITED I have paid my accommodation deposit and are definitely gonna be living in Wessex hall.
I find A lot of the people from my area have been very snobby about this hall and it disgusts me. And tbh i would be much happier in a social environment than locked away in my ensuite with no friends... Plus the money saved on a bog can be spent on bobooze an I get an amen
Be there or be square woo
also if anyone is doing English lit and French please be my friend I'm doing an unpopular degree