Kleeneze catalogue distribution is, I agree, poorly paid, but only initially.
Some people will not return your catalogues, so you note down those houses and don't give them another one.
Some houses ask you not to deliver again and you pass them by in future.
Some houses will never buy from you and just leave the catalogue out for collection, without even opening it. If this happens after three consecutive occasions, don't leave a catalogue in future.
Using this process of elimination you will be left only with those houses that order from you at least once every three drops, with many ordering more frequently. They'll also be houses that look after your catalogues and return them every time, so the cost of replacement catalogues will only be a small percentage of your overall earnings.
At this point, you'll probably be dropping and retrieving 50 catalogues a week which will take you about three and a half hours including order processing and product delivery. You will probably be generating £800 - £1,000 of orders per month and be earning around £260 profit. £260 for about 14 to 15 hours per month - that's about £17 an hour.
How does that compare with stacking supermarket shelves?
By the way, almost every conventional business, that has more than 8 employees, has a pyramid structure, and the CEO earns more than anyone else.
For those of you who yell, "Its a pyramid!", pyramid sales companies are illegal, so Kleeneze would have been shut down by the government years ago if it was a pyramid selling company.
I hope this helps