The Student Room Group

When and How do girls want to be asked out?

If you're a girl reading this and you were in the supermarket, and a completely random guy came up to you and asked you out, what would you do? Before you even cared about his looks or what ever, how do you feel about a random person asking you out in a random location?

To me that always felt weird because I've only ever asked girls out I knew before, but the media makes it like asking some random person out is alright.

What I mean is, if some guy came up to you and started chatting (in any place), would you go along with it, or would you get mad or something.

Also wondering, how do girls want to be asked out? Girls sometimes do fly solo, but many a time they are in groups. So you were in a group (wherever) and a guy wanted to ask you out would you prefer that he came up to you (in your group) and asked you, or would you prefer he ask to speak to you privately.

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Reply 1
I'd get a bit scared if a random guy asked me out in some random place, I'd be flattered.. although I'd think the guy was a bit pervy for some reason.

It's pretty easy to pull me away from my friend group a simple 'Could I talk to you in private please?' would suffice. Just asking me simply would be fine, I'm not fussy, the fact they even asked me out or any girl out really takes alot of guts so.
Reply 2
I wanna be asked out by the fella singing "I want you around" or "I wanna be your boyfriend" by The Ramones :3 yumm.

um....always ask a girl when shes alone :biggrin:

um....always ask a girl when shes alone :biggrin:

This otherwise you risk the below occuring!
Reply 4
This otherwise you risk the below occuring!

HAHAHA! made me chuckle :biggrin:
I guess it would depend on the guy who came up to me, but I might say yes to a stranger. Depends if I was at all attracted and he was around my age group.

Don't ask girls out when they're with friends. It's uncomfortable for them. And for you if she rejects you.
Just cut "Go out with me" into your chest with a razor blade and walk up to them topless. Sorted.
It depends how good looking they are :wink:

Seriously though, a completely random guy coming up and his first words being "will you go out with me" could be a bit intimidating
But I guess if its done in the right way with the right words it could be quite sweet

If I was with a group of friends I would say the best way would be to not do it in front of everrryyoonee but I think if someone did at least it would show they have guts :smile:
Conversation first? If she's interested, she'd be quite willing to get into a conversation anyway (unless she's super busy of course). The non-pervy guy I've ever met randomly with the possibility of it going further started a conversation first when I was browsing in Borders, and then subsequently asked for a coffee :smile: All the guys who've come up and just started saying 'Go out with me' or similar are over 30 and a bit perverted... :o:
Reply 9
I would say, "Um...excuse me, I have to get home." Then I'd leave as quickly as possible. I don't care what he looks like (perverts come in all shapes and sizes).

Last time a random asked me out was in a cinema. He struck up a conversation, then he asked if I wanted to get a drink after the film. I said no, and he took that as his cue to feel me up when the lights went down. Never again.
almost all girls love attention, just flatter them, laugh with them, say flirtatious stuff to impress them at any oppurtunity, make sure your wearing decent clothes, are in shape, do ya hair well, talk about alot of stuff show them you have good knowledge and are smart, girls love smartness, its a natural attraction so dont say anything dumb, or if you do quickly make a joke out of it, make sure you give her the eye, see if she responds and stares back, it makes them think :P, then just say i want to tell you summit and tell her, or .. over a week or so tell her, i personally usually wait.. dont rush it because it makes you seem like a push over, play around with her for a while, if not a few months, eventually they are gagging for it, also try to talk to other girls.. make it seem as though you have loads of girls after you, once you have done this you will feel her trying to get your attention more dont fall for ti and say i really like you please go out with me, like i said mess around for a few weeks showing your interested here and there,

once you think you have mastered the above, then slowly!, as you hang round with her more, take her somewhere you think she wil llike, e,g park, or even a walk to the shop, then once its quiet and moments right say, "hey listen..(play with her hair) do you fancy watching ........", wait for her response, and act accordingly, theres a few things that could happen, the worst and most unlikely is she will say No or no im not interested, if theres a reason thats worse, if she just says no dont be thinking its all over.. may be down to moodiness, most girls are moody m8, no offence LADIEz, she might say ill see and let you know, this shows its not that she isnt attracted to you.. its just her as a person, maybe she isnt confident enough,

if you do everything i said in the first paragraph she should say yes unless shes got a problem e.g lack of confidence, doesnt want to date guys or something like that.

so, just make sure you keep your head held high all the time, dont ever feel intimidated and just be confident, this along with everything else will garuntee you get the girl you want, .. REMEMBER dont rush in to ASKING her,
almost all girls love attention, just flatter them, laugh with them, say flirtatious stuff to impress them at any oppurtunity, make sure your wearing decent clothes, are in shape, do ya hair well, talk about alot of stuff show them you have good knowledge and are smart, girls love smartness, its a natural attraction so dont say anything dumb, or if you do quickly make a joke out of it, make sure you give her the eye, see if she responds and stares back, it makes them think :P, then just say i want to tell you summit and tell her, or .. over a week or so tell her, i personally usually wait.. dont rush it because it makes you seem like a push over, play around with her for a while, if not a few months, eventually they are gagging for it, also try to talk to other girls.. make it seem as though you have loads of girls after you, once you have done this you will feel her trying to get your attention more dont fall for ti and say i really like you please go out with me, like i said mess around for a few weeks showing your interested here and there,

once you think you have mastered the above, then slowly!, as you hang round with her more, take her somewhere you think she wil llike, e,g park, or even a walk to the shop, then once its quiet and moments right say, "hey listen..(play with her hair) do you fancy watching ........", wait for her response, and act accordingly, theres a few things that could happen, the worst and most unlikely is she will say No or no im not interested, if theres a reason thats worse, if she just says no dont be thinking its all over.. may be down to moodiness, most girls are moody m8, no offence LADIEz, she might say ill see and let you know, this shows its not that she isnt attracted to you.. its just her as a person, maybe she isnt confident enough,

if you do everything i said in the first paragraph she should say yes unless shes got a problem e.g lack of confidence, doesnt want to date guys or something like that.

so, just make sure you keep your head held high all the time, dont ever feel intimidated and just be confident, this along with everything else will garuntee you get the girl you want, .. REMEMBER dont rush in to ASKING her,

That's amazing, you should write a book. Go, now! Don't dally to share more of your pick up magic with us lowly internet mortals, there's money to be made! Go...GO NOW!
Once I was walking down the street a man came up to me and told me "I don't usually do this, but I really like your skirt" and continued to bug me about myself for about 10 minutes. I eventually told him I was only 16 (at the time) and he was like 'erm...erm... oh." turns out he was 35. He still asked me for my number and kissed me on the cheek though, it was really creepy.

If someone in a supermarket came up to me and just asked me out (and if i was single :p:), I'd just be like 'erm.. no thanks'. I wouldn't know him at all so there's no way I'd agree to it with him being a total stranger!

almost all girls love attention, just flatter them, laugh with them, say flirtatious stuff to impress them at any oppurtunity, make sure your wearing decent clothes, are in shape, do ya hair well, talk about alot of stuff show them you have good knowledge and are smart, girls love smartness, its a natural attraction so dont say anything dumb, or if you do quickly make a joke out of it, make sure you give her the eye, see if she responds and stares back, it makes them think :P, then just say i want to tell you summit and tell her, or .. over a week or so tell her, i personally usually wait.. dont rush it because it makes you seem like a push over, play around with her for a while, if not a few months, eventually they are gagging for it, also try to talk to other girls.. make it seem as though you have loads of girls after you, once you have done this you will feel her trying to get your attention more dont fall for ti and say i really like you please go out with me, like i said mess around for a few weeks showing your interested here and there,

once you think you have mastered the above, then slowly!, as you hang round with her more, take her somewhere you think she wil llike, e,g park, or even a walk to the shop, then once its quiet and moments right say, "hey listen..(play with her hair) do you fancy watching ........", wait for her response, and act accordingly, theres a few things that could happen, the worst and most unlikely is she will say No or no im not interested, if theres a reason thats worse, if she just says no dont be thinking its all over.. may be down to moodiness, most girls are moody m8, no offence LADIEz, she might say ill see and let you know, this shows its not that she isnt attracted to you.. its just her as a person, maybe she isnt confident enough,

if you do everything i said in the first paragraph she should say yes unless shes got a problem e.g lack of confidence, doesnt want to date guys or something like that.

so, just make sure you keep your head held high all the time, dont ever feel intimidated and just be confident, this along with everything else will garuntee you get the girl you want, .. REMEMBER dont rush in to ASKING her,

Reply 15
This otherwise you risk the below occuring!

Arrgh that was awful! Could barely watch it was so cringey!
I would probably say no if a stranger asked me out, but I'd ask for some form of contact detail so I can get to know this person better and possibly reconsider him later.
i don't think i'd say yes if he asked me out, but if he started a conversation then asked for my number, i'd take his. i wouldn't give mine out though. 'cause then i can initiate the contact...if that makes sense haha.

as for being in a group, i'd prefer he did it infront of my friends. taking me to the side would be a tad creepy...
Reply 18


Confidence is a plus, in my opinion. I don't know about asking out a stranger, but an msn address can be welcome. Depends how you do it really.

Alone, always ask alone..:yep:
Reply 19
If you're a girl reading this and you were in the supermarket, and a completely random guy came up to you and asked you out, what would you do? Before you even cared about his looks or what ever, how do you feel about a random person asking you out in a random location?

Um no, no and NO!

Girlies, i'm quite sure that over 95% of all guys out that are complete and utter creeps anyway.

I'd probably respond nicely but inside be like ''GAHHHH GET AWAY FROM ME!'' How creepy would that be??? being randomly asked out?? How inappropriate and i'm sorry, that really isn't my idea of a guy being ''romantic''... get real

A guy should ask you out because he likes you for who you are (therefore, actually KNOWS you), not because of how big your boobs are and if you've got a ''nice smile''. It's all fab for someone to be good-looking but personality is the most important - for me anyway. If someone asked me out and i know they don't know me that well, i'd just think they were shallow. Sweet maybe, but shallow. Possibly desperate and immature.

Mr. Cricket, all right you seem pretty sorted in how you approach girls. And it was nice to see how much you understand girls, except for the 'moody' bit, girls are usually 'moody' for a reason!! boys are sometimes just too ****-ish to realise. But reading through what you said a guy should do - sounds cute in words, would actually be pretty sleazy in real life. I'd like a guy to treat me in a way he thinks he should treat me, not in a textbook manner. I'm not a doll. I'm a human being.