The Student Room Group

Chemistry at York

Hello there,
Anyone studying Chemistry at York please can you advise me on note taking. I was made aware at other Universities that a macbook is not compatible with some of the Chemistry software they use, is this the same at York? And is it more ideal to have a tablet so that you can draw structures as well as take notes?
Original post by Anonymous #1
Hello there,
Anyone studying Chemistry at York please can you advise me on note taking. I was made aware at other Universities that a macbook is not compatible with some of the Chemistry software they use, is this the same at York? And is it more ideal to have a tablet so that you can draw structures as well as take notes?


I've checked with the Chemistry Department and this was their response:

"A macbook is compatible with the main chemistry software that we use - ChemDraw (there is a version for the Mac available). Using a tablet or a laptop is a matter of personal preference, whatever is easiest for the student to use."

Hope this helps!

Hazel 🙂
Reply 2
I think you will definitely be fine with a macbook, in my experience you shouldn't need to install much/any chemistry specific software to your personal laptop, and if you do they have laptop loans you can use : ) In lectures I would say about 30-50% of people take notes on ipads too, if you want to go down that route!

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