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I found out my fp (favorite person) got a girlfriend recently.

I wrote about him on my page before on this website. I had an unhealthy obsession with this dude for over 2 years now. We would flirt a lot, and he would say that he loves me. He is a year older than I am, though. I just feel so hurt and rejected and confused. Like, yeah I am happy for him, but why would he try to still talk to me while he was talking to someone else when I was unaware. He made me feel like I meant something to him. What a dumb naive I am. But I don't feel like crying, I did earlier though, but it's ok because I think my feelings are pretty valid. Afterward, I did some skin care and tried to relax. I don't know why my heart is racing and why it bothers me. I am happy for him, but I am still very worried and bothered. We even made future plans together. Where did it all go wrong?:frown: I keep thinking about what we could've been, but I know that I am still young and that this is a phase and it will pass... Therapy isn't an option. I will just heal on my own lol.
Your feelings are valid, and you should not only allow yourself to feel them but also be kind to yourself about this situation, which it does already sound like you have been. But there are certainly things you can take from this. The main is that if you're not in a relationship then everything you do together and say to each other should be seen in that context. I cannot speak for his motivations and whether he was stringing you along to get a boost to his own self esteem, but him saying I love you in the context of a friendship cannot mean what you want it to mean. Ditto the making future plans. When this situation comes back around either with this person or someone else, you have to understand that you are either in a relationship or you are not. If you are not, you are friends, and none of this stuff can be romantic in the way that you want it to be. For now, I think you need to make a decision about this guy. Things cannot stay the same. He has a girlfriend, so being with him doesn't look like an option. Which means you either need to continue the friendship and heavily moderate the flirting and the comments (and probably your contact with him), or you just distance yourself from him until you've had some time to adjust to this. Maybe even have no contact at all for a bit. It's your choice, but it genuinely looks like to me like the latter option is the better one here, because at the moment all this friendship is doing is hurting you. I think you need some distance from it to heal, recalibrate and figure out what you need it from it and him.
Original post by Crazy Jamie
Your feelings are valid, and you should not only allow yourself to feel them but also be kind to yourself about this situation, which it does already sound like you have been. But there are certainly things you can take from this. The main is that if you're not in a relationship then everything you do together and say to each other should be seen in that context. I cannot speak for his motivations and whether he was stringing you along to get a boost to his own self esteem, but him saying I love you in the context of a friendship cannot mean what you want it to mean. Ditto the making future plans. When this situation comes back around either with this person or someone else, you have to understand that you are either in a relationship or you are not. If you are not, you are friends, and none of this stuff can be romantic in the way that you want it to be. For now, I think you need to make a decision about this guy. Things cannot stay the same. He has a girlfriend, so being with him doesn't look like an option. Which means you either need to continue the friendship and heavily moderate the flirting and the comments (and probably your contact with him), or you just distance yourself from him until you've had some time to adjust to this. Maybe even have no contact at all for a bit. It's your choice, but it genuinely looks like to me like the latter option is the better one here, because at the moment all this friendship is doing is hurting you. I think you need some distance from it to heal, recalibrate and figure out what you need it from it and him.

Hey, I appreciate your response. I currently am distancing myself, but it wasn't because I found out about his girlfriend, that was way before that. It started around the beginning of January. If he was stringing me along, I can't say. I remember when he told me once that he wasn't using me, and I don't know if he said that to confuse my brain and think what he said was real. What's funny to me is that my intuition was right the whole time. I always had a gut-wrenching feeling that he was talking to someone, so it's great to know that I wasn't going crazy or being paranoid. I could barely get any sleep last night, because I was thinking about it, but then started to meditate, so then I fell fast asleep. It almost feels like a heartbreak (something I've never been through) and it hurts. I understand that it's going to hurt for a while, because I knew him for a bit, and I kind of put him on the pedestal. At the moment I feel hurt, confused, rejected, and I just want answers. How long was he talking to this girl before he made the decision to date her? What qualities did she have that I did not? Again, I am trying my best to push the negative thoughts aside, (and not compare myself, as that is toxic for my health) but I just have so many questions that I would love to be answered. If he ever brings his relationship up, I will let him know that I respect it. I know this will stick with me for a good while, but I will definitely take this as a lesson. I want to also add that since I want to respect his space and his relationship, I won't talk to him like before. Maybe will shoot him a happy birthday when his birthday comes, or something like that, but nothing more. I am still devastated, and I am trying to distract myself, as I refuse to cry about a guy who always made me feel like ****. This friendship definitely caused me pain like no other, but I still stayed because I've gotten attached. I used to stalk his socials all day and all night like an ill person. If he tries to still flirt with me (which I won't see why he would, he is literally obsessed with this new girl and I have never seen anything like it) I will make it clear to him that I don't want that kind of relationship and give him a reminder that he has someone at home.
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by isayndowhatiwant
Hey, I appreciate your response. I currently am distancing myself, but it wasn't because I found out about his girlfriend, that was way before that. It started around the beginning of January. If he was stringing me along, I can't say. I remember when he told me once that he wasn't using me, and I don't know if he said that to confuse my brain and think what he said was real. What's funny to me is that my intuition was right the whole time. I always had a gut-wrenching feeling that he was talking to someone, so it's great to know that I wasn't going crazy or being paranoid. I could barely get any sleep last night, because I was thinking about it, but then started to meditate, so then I fell fast asleep. It almost feels like a heartbreak (something I've never been through) and it hurts. I understand that it's going to hurt for a while, because I knew him for a bit, and I kind of put him on the pedestal. At the moment I feel hurt, confused, rejected, and I just want answers. How long was he talking to this girl before he made the decision to date her? What qualities did she have that I did not? Again, I am trying my best to push the negative thoughts aside, (and not compare myself, as that is toxic for my health) but I just have so many questions that I would love to be answered. If he ever brings his relationship up, I will let him know that I respect it. I know this will stick with me for a good while, but I will definitely take this as a lesson. I want to also add that since I want to respect his space and his relationship, I won't talk to him like before. Maybe will shoot him a happy birthday when his birthday comes, or something like that, but nothing more. I am still devastated, and I am trying to distract myself, as I refuse to cry about a guy who always made me feel like ****. This friendship definitely caused me pain like no other, but I still stayed because I've gotten attached. I used to stalk his socials all day and all night like an ill person. If he tries to still flirt with me (which I won't see why he would, he is literally obsessed with this new girl and I have never seen anything like it) I will make it clear to him that I don't want that kind of relationship and give him a reminder that he has someone at home.

It does sound like you've reflected on this and reached the right conclusions for the most part. You are by no means the first, nor will you be the last girl who keeps interacting with a guy that you know full well makes you feel like sh*t, but it is a positive that you recognise that. Whether his motivations were right or not, the reality is that this situation was not good for you, and hopefully you can recognise that in future. I really wouldn't be hunting down answers about his girlfriend. It's not relevant. The reality is that you were saying you loved each other and made future plans whilst never being in a relationship. That is not normal, and suggests to me that this was never going to be a relationship, at least for him. And for you, even though you seemingly wanted that, you need to question recognise that you held on to that hope when there seemingly was no realistic chance of it ever happening. In future, if you find yourself attracted to someone in this way, you must demand that they either commit to you by getting into a relationship with you, or you get the boundaries clear in your head as to what the relationship is and what it is not. That's not just so you don't get hurt like this again, but because you deserve someone who will commit to you in that way and not just string you along. Of course people don't always act the way they should in relationships either, but it at least gives a legitimate hope and expectation that the relationship can develop in a positive way that both of you want. This was never going to be that, and as much as the guy may be responsible for that, equally in future you need to make sure this doesn't happen again. It's only ever going to end badly.
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by isayndowhatiwant
I wrote about him on my page before on this website. I had an unhealthy obsession with this dude for over 2 years now. We would flirt a lot, and he would say that he loves me. He is a year older than I am, though. I just feel so hurt and rejected and confused. Like, yeah I am happy for him, but why would he try to still talk to me while he was talking to someone else when I was unaware. He made me feel like I meant something to him. What a dumb naive I am. But I don't feel like crying, I did earlier though, but it's ok because I think my feelings are pretty valid. Afterward, I did some skin care and tried to relax. I don't know why my heart is racing and why it bothers me. I am happy for him, but I am still very worried and bothered. We even made future plans together. Where did it all go wrong?:frown: I keep thinking about what we could've been, but I know that I am still young and that this is a phase and it will pass... Therapy isn't an option. I will just heal on my own lol.

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