Okay- I'll explain the situation first. I'm 18yrs old, upon leaving school I went to sixth form and stayed until jan however had to leave due to illness. The following september (this september just gone) I attempted to restart my first year (AS) however my illness became even worse and was forced to leave as I was admitted into hospital and am still there and will be for a few more weeks.
The thing is, I am desperate to go to university, however to restart my AS's next year I will be 19 and therefore unable to do so in a sixth form. I've looked into alternative routes and have found that my local college does access courses. The only access course they do to my knowledge is a social sciences course which is pretty much ideal as the a-levels I was studying were psychology, sociology and english lit. However, I have a few questions, and I was just wondering if there was any chance as to whether anyone could perhaps try and answer some;
1- Do you need to be 19 to BEGIN an access course? On enrolment to the course, I will be 18. The course is due to begin in early September and I am 19 at the end of September.
2-Can I go to uni with an access course UNDER the age of 21 (i.e the age of a mature student)?
3-If I do this course, does it limit me as to what degree I can apply for? I.e does it HAVE to be a social sciences degree or would I be able to, say, do a joint hons sociology and english lit degree?
4-The course details say it takes up 3 days per week so would I be able to study for a maths GCSE alongside this?
I have tried to email the admissions officer but have had no reply! Thanks a lot - appreciate any feedback!