So back in September there was this guy that I caught staring at me twice in lesson. He sat right in front of me as in facing me directly not like his back was turned to me so it was pretty awkward. I caught him twice staring at me and he didn’t look away as well but didn’t smile either.
At first I didn’t care because I didn’t think he looked good but like two months later I started thinking he was hot and started liking him so before I would never look at him when he looked I would just ignore.
But once I started crushing I started staring at him more and more and then after that he also would look at me more but this time he would quickly turn away and act like he was never looking instead of blatantly staring. He has turned around and looked at me 3 times while walking in front of me. He also made eye contact with me for 4 seconds and then broke it and smiled to himself. Then he also if he was smiling with his friends he would use that smile to look at me so it looks like he’s smiling at me. He smiled at me twice. He held the door for me and let me go first this one time.
Now the seating plan changed and he sits all the way across the other room so he quickly leaves and i think it’s because i sit literally 2cm away from the exit so I don’t know if he’s doing it to catch up so he can see me
Does he like me based on what I said? I’ve caught him staring at me when I wasn’t looking and quickly turning away pretending he never stared over 12 times
Does he like me