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Am I weird - help?

Since I've been young, I've always been addicted to weird smells and had some weird traits which I don't quite understand and it really puts off previous bfs I've had in the past (I am a female btw)

Two examples (please don't judge):

Whenever my belly button starts to smell I have the weird urge to pick at it and start smelling it, sometimes to the point where it starts to hurt and can get infected. I don't know why but whenever it ends up getting smelly after a few days, I don't like washing that area of my body because it feels as though I am missing out to what it could be like.

Secondly, I constantly pick at my finger nails, so much to the point I can end up cutting the nail bed which produces weird smells again. Recently after discovering it had been infected, I thought that trying to dig the infection out would help but it didn't. The next day I woke up and it started to hurt and then bleed when I picked at it and the smell was like nothing else I've ever experienced.

I feel really weird but I really do like strange bodily smells, like nothing nasty nasty but just unique ones if that makes sense.

Does anyone else feel the same and how do they cope with their partner judging them?
Reply 1
I'll admit, these aren't healthy behaviours and I'm not surprised that it puts people off. However, it doesn't change your character as a person, and there are ways of breaking habits like these. If you have counselling, ask them about cognitive behavioural therapy for these habits. There are ways of doing it without the help of a counsellor though, so I'd look around and see what can be done about it.
Reply 2
Original post by Doomotron
I'll admit, these aren't healthy behaviours and I'm not surprised that it puts people off. However, it doesn't change your character as a person, and there are ways of breaking habits like these. If you have counselling, ask them about cognitive behavioural therapy for these habits. There are ways of doing it without the help of a counsellor though, so I'd look around and see what can be done about it.

That’s the point, I am aware I am addicted in a similar way to alcohol or what not but I don’t want to stop. I wouldn’t ever wish to talk about my issues formally with anyone else but at the same time i do not see the harm…

I can’t even begin to explain it.

I understand people, I truly do, i get the workings of other peoples minds, or so i like to believe, although in my case, I don’t quite get what’s going on.

It’s almost like I live in a place where only I feel I can truly appreciate the smells of my bodily infections, or what not.

I like the smell, only with me though, so what can I do as it doesn’t relate to anyone else.

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