The Student Room Group

Occupational therapy placements

I'm aware for some courses placements can be pretty far away (like 50 miles) from the uni in some cases and I was wondering what whether that is similar for OT courses. Also with placements, is there any form of special consideration for students who commute or who have mental health or are neurodiverse because university would already be a lot for me to take on and I don't know if I'd be able to cope with a long commute on top of that
Original post by exposed-sarcasm
I'm aware for some courses placements can be pretty far away (like 50 miles) from the uni in some cases and I was wondering what whether that is similar for OT courses. Also with placements, is there any form of special consideration for students who commute or who have mental health or are neurodiverse because university would already be a lot for me to take on and I don't know if I'd be able to cope with a long commute on top of that

I would contact the university you are thinking of studying OT with and ask about their placement procedure and conditions, and also if they have placement support plans available which would take into consideration your individual circumstances so that you can see what support would be available to you and provide some reassurance.

In terms of distance to placements in general, it depends on the university. At CCCU, the location of your placements can be up to 90 minutes from your term-time address, and this is to provide you with varied placements depending on your course.

I hope that helps! 🙂
Reply 2
Original post by CCCU Health Rep
I would contact the university you are thinking of studying OT with and ask about their placement procedure and conditions, and also if they have placement support plans available which would take into consideration your individual circumstances so that you can see what support would be available to you and provide some reassurance.
In terms of distance to placements in general, it depends on the university. At CCCU, the location of your placements can be up to 90 minutes from your term-time address, and this is to provide you with varied placements depending on your course.
I hope that helps! 🙂

Hi, do you know how long the placements are and times of day they are? I did originally apply for Mental Health nursing which i have interviews for, but i dont think i can commit to 12 hour days and travelling as i have children who - well had strong objections to me being away all day - so i'm trying to find a more family friendly option. I was looking at speech and language therapy, but think occupational therapy would be more interesting for me personally, im just wondering if the placements would mean I would be out of the house a lot out of school hours.
Original post by jmachin6
Hi, do you know how long the placements are and times of day they are? I did originally apply for Mental Health nursing which i have interviews for, but i dont think i can commit to 12 hour days and travelling as i have children who - well had strong objections to me being away all day - so i'm trying to find a more family friendly option. I was looking at speech and language therapy, but think occupational therapy would be more interesting for me personally, im just wondering if the placements would mean I would be out of the house a lot out of school hours.

Placements can vary between universities, some deliver them in blocks (i.e 4 week long placements), others integrate them into your university week. It would also depend on where the placement is based and what you are doing for that placement which would potentially dictate your times.

If you think OT would be more interesting for you, I would definitely say have a deeper look into it. It is a 3 year long course, so you want to make sure you are studying/training something you enjoy and fits with your homelife.

I would try to speak to the OT team at the university you are interested in studying with to find out more about how their placements work and provide you with a bit more insight 😀
Reply 4
Original post by CCCU Health Rep
Placements can vary between universities, some deliver them in blocks (i.e 4 week long placements), others integrate them into your university week. It would also depend on where the placement is based and what you are doing for that placement which would potentially dictate your times.
If you think OT would be more interesting for you, I would definitely say have a deeper look into it. It is a 3 year long course, so you want to make sure you are studying/training something you enjoy and fits with your homelife.
I would try to speak to the OT team at the university you are interested in studying with to find out more about how their placements work and provide you with a bit more insight 😀

Thank you for your reply, definitely sounds much more achievable than nursing!

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