This thread is for voting for the Best Official Rep award
Nominees: (in no particular order) De Montfort University Durham Students HallamStudents Huddersfield Uni Pembroke Rep SFE StudentRoost Rep UCLan Ambassador University of Bath University of Surrey
Congratulations to all those nominated and good luck for the vote! Voting closes on 8th March, so get voting!
This thread is for voting for the Best Official Rep award
Nominees: (in no particular order) De Montfort University Durham Students HallamStudents Huddersfield Uni Pembroke Rep SFE StudentRoost Rep UCLan Ambassador University of Bath University of Surrey
Congratulations to all those nominated and good luck for the vote! Voting closes on 8th March, so get voting!
Congratulations to all nominated! Good luck to us all!⭐️
P.S. Could our name be tweaked a tad on the Poll list if possible? 'd' to a 't' please