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Turner and Townsend Degree Apprenticeships 2024

Hi just thought i’d create a thread for apprentices applying to Turner and Townsend. Have any project management apprentices heard back ?

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The only thing I have had so far is a email asking me to do the online assessment which I assume everyone gets .
Reply 2
I applied for the grad scheme but have you guys had assessment centres yet?
Reply 3
Nothing yet for me
I emailed them and they said theyre still reviewing. But the online test was very short not sure why its taking them so long
Hi just thought i’d create a thread for apprentices applying to Turner and Townsend. Have any project management apprentices heard back ?
I just did my ac today, hoping to hear back as soon as possible
Original post by Labberz
i did mine too. have you heard back yet

Haven’t heard back I’d assume we got rejected since we haven’t heard back yet
Original post by Labberz
how did you find the ac

I did it last Monday, I think I did decently some questions I struggled to articulate myself properly - the presentation was really good for me. I highly doubt I’ll be offered a position as others who have been successful found out last week Thursday.
Original post by jahidul.9ine
I did it last Monday, I think I did decently some questions I struggled to articulate myself properly - the presentation was really good for me. I highly doubt I’ll be offered a position as others who have been successful found out last week Thursday.

Was it just a presentation and interview? And what location did u apply to ?
Original post by justastudent05
Was it just a presentation and interview? And what location did u apply to ?

London location - two people will interview you and then you will do a presentation
Original post by jahidul.9ine
London location - two people will interview you and then you will do a presentation

Was the presentation only Infront of the two people interviewing you ?
Original post by justastudent05
Was the presentation only Infront of the two people interviewing you ?

Have AC’s started already for the apprenticeships??? Thought this was from May not now
Original post by budddda
What were the interview questions if you don’t mind me asking? Can I dm you on Insta. My AC is on Wednesday.
ig is same as my username
Reply 14
Original post by Hellokitty123abc
Have AC’s started already for the apprenticeships??? Thought this was from May not now

I have an Assessment Centre next week in Manchester! Does anyone have any tips?
Reply 15
Original post by justastudent05
Was it just a presentation and interview? And what location did u apply to ?

Hello. Thanks for setting up the post. Please can you give details on the types of questions the 2 interviewer's ask and how long this takes. How long did the whole assessment time take?
Original post by Mt787
Hello. Thanks for setting up the post. Please can you give details on the types of questions the 2 interviewer's ask and how long this takes. How long did the whole assessment time take?

When's your AC and what location?
Reply 17
Original post by justastudent05
When's your AC and what location?
next Tuesday and Manchester
Reply 18
Original post by Mt787
next Tuesday and Manchester

Me aswell, good luck!
Reply 19
Original post by ellalea
Me aswell, good luck!

Likewise. All the best to you too!

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