The Student Room Group

Cambridge GCSE based on School

How do i know how well my school performed and if it was good, considering the school i achieved them at? (8777666554)
When you say 'how well my school performed', do you mean their pass rates? I will say that your GCSES aren't the end of the world (I got 998777765 and got an offer to do Languages when I got a 7 in Spanish at GCSE), provided you can show later improvement/commitment and a genuine deep passion for your subject. Especially if the subject isn't related to your degree I suppose. They have a very holistic (looking at everything, not just grades, but you, your current level of work (usually seen in their exams), your background, any issues which might affect/have affected your work, that sort of thing) process for deciding. School success rate is used more so for determining stuff like contextual offers, aid, etc. if I understand it correctly?
Reply 2
Original post by Castrovalva
When you say 'how well my school performed', do you mean their pass rates? I will say that your GCSES aren't the end of the world (I got 998777765 and got an offer to do Languages when I got a 7 in Spanish at GCSE), provided you can show later improvement/commitment and a genuine deep passion for your subject. Especially if the subject isn't related to your degree I suppose. They have a very holistic (looking at everything, not just grades, but you, your current level of work (usually seen in their exams), your background, any issues which might affect/have affected your work, that sort of thing) process for deciding. School success rate is used more so for determining stuff like contextual offers, aid, etc. if I understand it correctly?

Yes i mean overall performance compared to the grades i got.

Just got this from my old schools website if that helps

Overall headline figures include:

Overall attainment figures remain comparable with 2019 (the last year that full exams were taken)

Early indications show that progress remains above average i.e. pupils at BLANK progress better than similar pupils nationally

A fifth of the cohort achieved English and Maths at level 7 or better

Over half the cohort achieved a strong pass (level 5 or better) in both English and Maths

Three quarters of the cohort achieved a standard pass (level 4 or better) in both English and Maths

(edited 11 months ago)
Very quickly might want to know you've left your school name in there! I don't know if you mind that sort of thing
Reply 4
Original post by Castrovalva
Very quickly might want to know you've left your school name in there! I don't know if you mind that sort of thing

Thanks for pointing that out! Luckly i dont attend that school anymore:smile:

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