The Student Room Group

J.P Morgan Asset Management trainee Program

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Original post by novanskaazka
2 weeks ago, you?

Last friday
Original post by dhruvp1912
Last friday

are you an international applicant? because I am and it kinda concerns me lol
Original post by novanskaazka
are you an international applicant? because I am and it kinda concerns me lol

Im also the international student
any problem with the international students??
Original post by dhruvp1912
any problem with the international students??

tbh idk maybe im way to concerned about the selection being biased based on location
Original post by novanskaazka
tbh idk maybe im way to concerned about the selection being biased based on location

There is only one location
Reply 26
wouldn't recommend putting your phone number on here, everyone is helpful and friendly but its a bit invasive with your number.
Also I haven't heard back since the hire view, I would assume they start responding soon as i think applications have closed.
I dont think being an international student would matter as long as you are available to get into the office by start of the program for the length of the scheme.
Original post by MaxA06
wouldn't recommend putting your phone number on here, everyone is helpful and friendly but its a bit invasive with your number.
Also I haven't heard back since the hire view, I would assume they start responding soon as i think applications have closed.
I dont think being an international student would matter as long as you are available to get into the office by start of the program for the length of the scheme.

Applications are already closed on 14th April
Reply 28
Anyone been invited to an interview?
Reply 29
Original post by j-240702
Anyone been invited to an interview?

Have you?
Reply 30
Original post by MaxA06
Have you?

Yes, they said they're trying to finish all the interviews this week
Original post by j-240702
Yes, they said they're trying to finish all the interviews this week

damn, im so scared that im rejected lol
Original post by j-240702
Yes, they said they're trying to finish all the interviews this week

what interview do you mean here? because as far as i know everyone here has gotten the hirevue but haven’t got any response since
Reply 33
Original post by novanskaazka
what interview do you mean here? because as far as i know everyone here has gotten the hirevue but haven’t got any response since

its a zoom interview
Original post by j-240702
its a zoom interview

when did you get it?
Reply 35
Original post by novanskaazka
when did you get it?

On Friday
Original post by j-240702
On Friday

what was the email like?
Original post by novanskaazka
what was the email like?

What was the email like?
When you gave the hirevue interview??
Can someone reply plzz . When you gave the zoom interview and when was your hirevue interview?

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