The Student Room Group

I'm going to a party alone

The 2 friends I was supposed to go with got sick, I'm going alone.
I don't know anyone there. How much will it suck?
Original post by Anonymous #1
The 2 friends I was supposed to go with got sick, I'm going alone.
I don't know anyone there. How much will it suck?

I know it might seem scary to be going to a party alone especially if you don't know anyone else going but this could be a great way to make some new friends as you will speak to people you haven't met before. Generally at parties I went to at university there are quite a lot of people invited so there was always someone to talk to, if you don't like it you can always leave but it's worth giving it ago if you feel comfortable going by yourself.

If you don't feel comfortable going by yourself do you have any other friends which you think might want to go which you can invite?

Just make sure if you're going alone that you someone knows you're going and where the party is going to be and that you aren't walking around at night by yourself for safety reasons.

I hope this helps 🙂
Louise - University of Wolverhampton rep.
(edited 11 months ago)
Original post by Anonymous #1
The 2 friends I was supposed to go with got sick, I'm going alone.
I don't know anyone there. How much will it suck?
Hey! Have you been to the party now, how was it? I hope you were able to have a good time and meet new people :smile:


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