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Linklaters Solicitor Apprenticeship

Hey, has anyone here applied for the 2024 Linklaters solicitor apprenticeship?

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Original post by Grace Cullen B
Hey, has anyone here applied for the 2024 Linklaters solicitor apprenticeship?
Yep! I’ve got an interview on Monday!
Reply 2
Original post by jodie.blackmore
Yep! I’ve got an interview on Monday!

Ooo well done! Me too:smile: I’m so excited, good luck!
Original post by Grace Cullen B
Ooo well done! Me too:smile: I’m so excited, good luck!
Thanks, you too! How are you preparing for it?
Reply 4
Original post by jodie.blackmore
Thanks, you too! How are you preparing for it?

Thanku! I’ve got a meeting with my mentor who’s a solicitor on Friday and she’s gonna help me prep, I’m also going to memorize as many examples of where I’ve demonstrated their values& attributes that they’re looking for, how are you preparing?
Original post by Grace Cullen B
Thanku! I’ve got a meeting with my mentor who’s a solicitor on Friday and she’s gonna help me prep, I’m also going to memorize as many examples of where I’ve demonstrated their values& attributes that they’re looking for, how are you preparing?
Oh that sounds great! I’m doing the same re memorising examples and things like that, it will be nice to have an interview with a real person! I’m going to try and do a mock interview before then as well :smile:
Reply 6
Original post by jodie.blackmore
Oh that sounds great! I’m doing the same re memorising examples and things like that, it will be nice to have an interview with a real person! I’m going to try and do a mock interview before then as well :smile:

Oo sounds great! Yes ikr ! I wish you all the luck xo
Original post by Grace Cullen B
Oo sounds great! Yes ikr ! I wish you all the luck xo
You too! Do you have WhatsApp or Snapchat to stay in contact at all? X
Reply 8
Original post by jodie.blackmore
You too! Do you have WhatsApp or Snapchat to stay in contact at all? X

Yes my Snapchat is gce_b
Reply 9
Original post by Grace Cullen B
Hey, has anyone here applied for the 2024 Linklaters solicitor apprenticeship?
Hi, I got an interview with them tomorrow, luckily I've already met the interviewer as I attended the solicitor apprenticeship insight day. I really hope I get this apprenticeship tbh.
Original post by Tiwa1109
Hi, I got an interview with them tomorrow, luckily I've already met the interviewer as I attended the solicitor apprenticeship insight day. I really hope I get this apprenticeship tbh.

Hey, good luck with your interview tomorrow you’ll smash it ! I had mine with them today and it went really well! Same it would be incredible:smile:
Reply 11
Original post by Grace Cullen B
Hey, good luck with your interview tomorrow you’ll smash it ! I had mine with them today and it went really well! Same it would be incredible:smile:
That's great that it went well, what sort of questions were you asked?
Original post by Tiwa1109
That's great that it went well, what sort of questions were you asked?

Mostly motivational questions 👍
I just did my interview literally 5 minutes ago :grin:
It went pretty well honestly.
I hope I get in!
Reply 14
Original post by hafsah1.2.3
I just did my interview literally 5 minutes ago :grin:
It went pretty well honestly.
I hope I get in!
Just finished mine as of 10 minutes ago! No clue how it went, a bit of a blur - but fingers crossed!
Reply 15
anyone heard back?
Reply 16
Original post by ali_k717
anyone heard back?
The interviewer told me that they're going to get back to us tomorrow.
HEYYY GUYSSSS has anyone heard back??!?!??! I'm sitting here so anxious I CANNOT bear the pain any longer!!!!!!!
Original post by Tiwa1109
The interviewer told me that they're going to get back to us tomorrow.
ah goshhhh!!!! I actually cannot wait
Original post by ali_k717
anyone heard back?
no :frown:

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