The Student Room Group

Please help me understand what I can do

I'm recently 19 and now cant access childline for any counsellor chats anymore. Every so often i deal with something tough. Today i just really need a chat with a pretty much stranger like i could on childline to realise what i can do currently as i am in a tough spot.

I do not really dont have friends to ask and really struggling with who i can speak to. Can people please recommend anywhere i can go to seek some advice by texting someone anonymously as i cant call.

Not suicidal. Just feeling shattered
Reply 1
Original post by Anonymous #1
I'm recently 19 and now cant access childline for any counsellor chats anymore. Every so often i deal with something tough. Today i just really need a chat with a pretty much stranger like i could on childline to realise what i can do currently as i am in a tough spot.

I do not really dont have friends to ask and really struggling with who i can speak to. Can people please recommend anywhere i can go to seek some advice by texting someone anonymously as i cant call.

Not suicidal. Just feeling shattered

There is SANEline which should help you between 4pm-10pm any day for any crisis you may be having with the number 0300 304 7000

And then if that doesn't work there's also The Samaritans open 24/7 at 116 123,

There are others online so you can search them up if that doesn't work, although I'd suggest, if you're able to, to find some professional counselling or psychotherapy which can help you understand through your problems and aid in self-help if your problems are recurring (if you've already tried this or can't do it for some reason, or that this isn't applicable to you , then dont mind me this is just incase you havent) .

Hope this helps!

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