The Student Room Group

Lost with career because of A level choices

Hi, I’ve recently dropped out of my Nursing degree - halfway through first year. I simply couldn’t do it anymore as much as I tried to stay on for at least a year. My career options seem very limited due to the A level results I achieved. I’ve decided i’d like to do an apprenticeship / a degree apprenticeship in an allied health profession. ( I am open to other career choices but they don’t seem realistic to me as I don’t see myself in them unless i’m just not researching properly ) I was good at Nursing but due to personal reasons, I had to leave it - absolutely hated it. I want to work in healthcare just not the nursing aspect. ( i feel like i would be better off at a 9-5 job rather than constant 13 hours - wouldn’t mind the odd 13 hour shift but everyday? no thanks.)

Anyway, I did sociology, religious studies and btec health and social care at A levels. I achieved Cs and a Pass. (Edit: If it matters, I did well enough on gcses so I did not mention.) Not amazing grades or courses at all which limits my options. I wanted to do an audiology apprenticeship but I don’t think that would be possible with these grades. Occupational therapy or Physiotherapy apprenticeship is appealing to me aswell. Im wondering if there are any potential opportunities that I am missing? ( I am only open to apprenticeships or degree apprenticeships as I want to avoid using loans for university etc , i am better learning while on the job anyway )
(edited 11 months ago)