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Mock results help

Hi l've just got my mock results back (from January) n I'm not very happy w them, can anyone tell me if it's still possible to get all 8s and 9s (and 7s in English) from now, pls be brutally honest if you think the answer is no. If yes, pls tell me how I can improve in any of the subjects
Maths - 7
Bio - 9
Physics - 8
Chemistry 7
Business - 7
German - 9
RS -7
DT - 7
Business - 7
English lit. - 6
English lang - 6
Reply 1
I think you can definitely improve your grades in time!! I got all 8s and 9s in my GCSEs and I highly recommend watching youtube videos on your subjects, practice papers and seneca learning (its a website and its completely free to use). If, in the worst case scenario, you don't get the exact grades you want, 6s and 7s are enough to get you into sixth form and by then (I don't intend to be harsh) what you got in your GCSEs won't really mean anything anymore. I wish you the best of luck in your exams and I hope this helped!!
Reply 2
Defo doable. I got 6s in both English Lang and Lit during my 2 sets of mocks but got in 8s in both in the actual exams. As for the other subjects, you're not far off but you need to put in a bit more revision if you want to see the grades go up. But yes it is 100% possible. The jump from 7/8 to a 9 is basically just practise and more revision.
definitely doable!!! I went from 4 and 5 in English lit/lang mocks to 7s in the real thing :biggrin:
Reply 4
Original post by hellode
Hi l've just got my mock results back (from January) n I'm not very happy w them, can anyone tell me if it's still possible to get all 8s and 9s (and 7s in English) from now, pls be brutally honest if you think the answer is no. If yes, pls tell me how I can improve in any of the subjects
Maths - 7
Bio - 9
Physics - 8
Chemistry 7
Business - 7
German - 9
RS -7
DT - 7
Business - 7
English lit. - 6
English lang - 6
hi, i would suggest that for english-- both language and literature, you look at the mark schemes after you do a paper for practice and understand the kind of answers that examiners are expecting from you.
many times your answer can still be correct but they might mark it wrong because it simply isnt in the mark scheme so having a look at the mark schemes would help you a lot to understand the style of questions that examiners are expecting from you.
with maths, there isnt much to say, just go back to your mistakes and figure out what went wrong, ask a lot of questions and do a hundred papers before the actual exam, since the style of exam questions is kind of repetitive
Reply 5
Original post by lucymant
I think you can definitely improve your grades in time!! I got all 8s and 9s in my GCSEs and I highly recommend watching youtube videos on your subjects, practice papers and seneca learning (its a website and its completely free to use). If, in the worst case scenario, you don't get the exact grades you want, 6s and 7s are enough to get you into sixth form and by then (I don't intend to be harsh) what you got in your GCSEs won't really mean anything anymore. I wish you the best of luck in your exams and I hope this helped!!

The GCSEs are actually important apparently ur uni asks for them as-well so does you jobs
Defo doable. I got 6s in both English Lang and Lit during my 2 sets of mocks but got in 8s in both in the actual exams. As for the other subjects, you're not far off but you need to put in a bit more revision if you want to see the grades go up. But yes it is 100% possible. The jump from 7/8 to a 9 is basically just practise and more revision.
How did you do so well in English (especially lit)!? I have trouble finding and picking out the quotations. I got my grade back today and got a 5. How did you improve your grade?
Reply 7
Original post by Studybudy_
The GCSEs are actually important apparently ur uni asks for them as-well so does you jobs
Not 100% true per se. GCSE grades are undoubtedly most important for 6th form applications. However, while it is true that both employers and unis will see your GCSE grades, your employer straight up won't care about them in 99% of cases, and unless you're applying to a top uni, your uni probably won't care that much either. Even then, GCSEs will be used to help create a general academic profile rather than some sort of make or break stat. In any case, GCSEs are important, but not THAT important in the grand scale of things (not to say you shouldn't try and do well: you should).
Reply 8
Original post by jedladskcdvcbg
How did you do so well in English (especially lit)!? I have trouble finding and picking out the quotations. I got my grade back today and got a 5. How did you improve your grade?
General advice:

For lit, know general themes and off-heart as many quotations as possible which can link to these themes (try find quotes that can be analysed in-depth and can be applied to several themes if possible)

On this note, you may find it helpful to watch some lit (poetry/text) videos on Youtube. They are very useful for developing analytical ability and can teach you some themes/links/ideas that you didn't already know. I would play them on 1.5x speed though as they can be a bit slow. Mr Bruff & Mr Salles teaches English are very good imo. A lot of people swear by Mr Everything English as well.

Listen to your teacher: they know exactly what examiners are looking for so go and ask them to look over and mark any questions you have done to get feedback. Write feedback down then do another similar question to try and incorporate it into your answer

Do LOTS of past paper questions (I wish I did this, I would have got all 9s at GCSE if I did). Start out with allowing yourself as much time as you need to write an answer you are happy with, then slowly reduce your time below the amount of time you will actually get in the exam. English papers are super tight for time, so this will allow you to write at a good speed and allow time for proofreading etc.

This is genuinely the hardest part to get around to, but definitely do it - this is the fastest way to improve

Read exemplar pieces and analyse them.

Create a clear plan on how you are going to do each essay before you start it, and create general plans for each question in a paper. It sounds boring and time consuming, but it will create a lot of cohesion in your writing which will boost your marks a lot more than you think.

General advice:

For lit, know general themes and off-heart as many quotations as possible which can link to these themes (try find quotes that can be analysed in-depth and can be applied to several themes if possible)

On this note, you may find it helpful to watch some lit (poetry/text) videos on Youtube. They are very useful for developing analytical ability and can teach you some themes/links/ideas that you didn't already know. I would play them on 1.5x speed though as they can be a bit slow. Mr Bruff & Mr Salles teaches English are very good imo. A lot of people swear by Mr Everything English as well.

Listen to your teacher: they know exactly what examiners are looking for so go and ask them to look over and mark any questions you have done to get feedback. Write feedback down then do another similar question to try and incorporate it into your answer

Do LOTS of past paper questions (I wish I did this, I would have got all 9s at GCSE if I did). Start out with allowing yourself as much time as you need to write an answer you are happy with, then slowly reduce your time below the amount of time you will actually get in the exam. English papers are super tight for time, so this will allow you to write at a good speed and allow time for proofreading etc.

This is genuinely the hardest part to get around to, but definitely do it - this is the fastest way to improve

Read exemplar pieces and analyse them.

Create a clear plan on how you are going to do each essay before you start it, and create general plans for each question in a paper. It sounds boring and time consuming, but it will create a lot of cohesion in your writing which will boost your marks a lot more than you think.

That's super helpful, I will definitely take on board your advice and hopefully it works out!
Reply 10
Original post by erin11
definitely doable!!! I went from 4 and 5 in English lit/lang mocks to 7s in the real thing :biggrin:

Original post by A_ikram19

I made mindmaps for key themes/characters, essay plans/ actual essays which I asked my teacher to mark, learnt a couple of key quotes per theme/character really well rather than loads of quotes with little detail, reread the books a couple of times to make sure I was super confident with the plot

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