The Student Room Group

Jobs at Sports World, JD Sports, etc - what sort of person are they looking for?

I've been thinking of applying for a job at JD Sports as my local store has vacancies which have come up now. However, I am not a sporty person at all, I find most sports tedious and don't wear sporty type clothes at all; I generally wear skinny jeans, pointy shoes, etc, I guess I don't dress like their average clientel.

I'm guessing you don't have to be particularly knowledgeable about their products as most people who shop there no what they're after anyway. However, my question is, are they looking for employees who fit their image and are similar to their clientel, or is that not really a problem? I've noticed the majority of their sales assistants would be described as the "chav" sorts, is that who they go for, or is that merely the sort of person who would be interested in a job in a sports shop, so they naturally have more of them.

I'm not being rude or condesending in anyway, just simply asking if it puts me at a disadvantage in any way?
anyone willing to work for minimum wage basically
Reply 3
Chavs? How? They obviously look for a sporty looking person. They wont employ some fat or skinny arse geek looking kids. They want someone who looks the part but also with confidance.

You dont need to know alot about sports but obviously pretend you have a keen interest in playing sport. Do you look physically fit? That would help. Try wearing sporty clothing to the interview aswell.
Kolo Toure
Chavs? How? They obviously look for a sporty looking person. They wont employ some fat or skinny arse geek looking kids. They want someone who looks the part but also with confidance.

You dont need to know alot about sports but obviously pretend you have a keen interest in playing sport. Do you look physically fit? That would help. Try wearing sporty clothing to the interview aswell.

LOL, that last statement made my morning. Wear sporty clothes to interview just to look like the finest chav. Lol, why cant you just wear normal clothes for the sake of the interview being a slightly more formal affair as opposed to chavvy?
Kolo Toure
Chavs? How? They obviously look for a sporty looking person. They wont employ some fat or skinny arse geek looking kids. They want someone who looks the part but also with confidance.

You dont need to know alot about sports but obviously pretend you have a keen interest in playing sport. Do you look physically fit? That would help. Try wearing sporty clothing to the interview aswell.

Haha yeah turn up to the interview in sporty clothes, we all know the shell-suit is the uniform of the chavs :rolleyes:

And they do employ fat chavs, they're the funniest kind, although they must be fakers cos we all know chavs are so skinny because they cant afford to eat and are too lazy to cook the cockroaches in their houses :wink:
Reply 6
Whats wrong with you lot? Its a bloody sports shop! They obviously what you to dress in gear that would be similar to what you would be wearing. Im not saying its compulsary it will just help give a sporty image which could help you. Image is a big thing cause you need that sporty look. Not chavy. Chavs couldnt even gain GCSEs let alone a job.

Again wearing sports clothing doesnt make you a chav. Sometimes i prefer the good old track suit bottoms. So much more comfortable then jeans.
Reply 7
I think the point was, it's an interview. You try to dress a little bit smart for an interview, generally. Even for Sports World, I wouldn't go for an interview in a set of trackies and a baseball cap.

They are however, looking for sporty males to work on the shop floor, and as with most other places, pretty girls to work on the tills. they're looking for people who won't start whining about little things in-store and yeah, granted, possibly people who can pull off a sporty look.
Bored, spotty, disinterested, rude .....
Reply 10
I work in sports world and they aren't looking for chav type people. I'm not a chav in the slightest and to be fair i'm the total odd one out at my store but everyone is easy to get on with and we just get on with the work. There are all types of people working in my store so it's not as bad as some people here are making out. Wear anything casual you want to the interview as it's very informal.
i wore black jeans, black top and a suit jacket for the interview and got the job , you still want to look presentable and give them a good impression. I hate that word chav , in scotland its ned :L