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how do people get boyfriends/girlfriends

I have been single for 18 years of my life now and I am starting to think I am the problem. I feel hopeless with finding love.

Other people seem to get into relationships easily out of nowhere. How do they do it? How do people get boyfriends??
It probably sounds harsh, but either don't be so desperate or be overly desperate. They say to not chase, but to attract, but alternatively you could chase so long as you're willing to settle for the bare minimum?
It could also be that it's just not your time, and it will show up one day out of nowhere. The most important aspect is that you should be confident. People are attracted to those who are confident and assured. If you're not confident, try and fake it till you make it?
Reply 2
Original post by stanskzforjoy
It probably sounds harsh, but either don't be so desperate or be overly desperate. They say to not chase, but to attract, but alternatively you could chase so long as you're willing to settle for the bare minimum?
It could also be that it's just not your time, and it will show up one day out of nowhere. The most important aspect is that you should be confident. People are attracted to those who are confident and assured. If you're not confident, try and fake it till you make it?

Thanks for your advice! I guess I maybe have high standards and hopefully will find the right one, despite losing hope
Reply 3
Instead of chasing butterflies, consider meticulously shaping your garden to reveal your inner beauty. I'm sure the butterflies will come flying to you in no time.
the way i have always seen it, and i'm sure many people agree, its only men that need to know or learn how to get a date or how to get a girlfriend, not the other way around, i don't see or just don't understand how or why women would need to know or learn how to get a date, how to get a boyfriend when they don't have to make any moves or any advances on a guy they like.
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Reply 6
It’s pretty straightforward if you’re in the attractive set. But for the majority finding a decent partner is pretty tough work. It’s about creative marketing, patience and resilience. With these something generally turns up and from what I see even the very attractive folk have a fair degree of dating angst. Keep the faith.
normally for all time, its guys, men, who have to know and learn all of these skills and behaviors, women just have to exist and just say yes or no, i don't see how that requires any learning

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