The Student Room Group

Online part-time master's programme (SFE Maintenance loan)

Hi, does anyone can tell me about the SFE maintenance loan? Apparently when it is postgraduate, SFE only provide certain amount which is close to the amount of the tuition fee (generally). What if the maximun SFE allows this year is £12,000 for master's programme but the tuition fee only cost me £6500 (whole master course). Is it possible for me to get the £5500 as my maintenance loan? thanks in advance
Original post by Haitch_dm
Hi, does anyone can tell me about the SFE maintenance loan? Apparently when it is postgraduate, SFE only provide certain amount which is close to the amount of the tuition fee (generally). What if the maximun SFE allows this year is £12,000 for master's programme but the tuition fee only cost me £6500 (whole master course). Is it possible for me to get the £5500 as my maintenance loan? thanks in advance
Hi there,

Yes, you can - the Masters Loan is paid to yourself, and you can claim as much or as little as you want.

So, if you want to claim above what the Tuition Fees are then that's fine.

Thanks, Graeme

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