I’ve browsed the student room for a while now but I’ve never actually had an account, im quite new to this if you can’t tell so I apologise if I make any mistakes LMAO!
Anyways back to the topic at hand, I’ve started revision since mid November of last year and it’s just recently hit me that the GCSEs are actually so close 🥲. I’ve never really been great at buckling down and grinding but for some reason ever since I started year 11 I’ve been a study freak?? I’m not sure, although I do have trouble staying motivated sometimes and I also have slight issues with procrastination so I thought I would post daily updates here to keep myself on track.
Anyway enough of that here’s the subjects I do and the grades I got this week from my February Mocks, they were really harsh with marking this time for some reason so😭
Mathematics(edexcel): 9
English literature (AQA): 9
English language (AQA): 9
Business (edexcel): 9
History (edexcel): 9
RS (edexcel): 9
French (edexcel): 5
Combined Science(AQA): 8-8
I was honestly kinda upset with science cuz I got a 9-9 last time, of course it’s still good and I don’t mean to be obnoxious. French…💀💀 don’t even ask, the average grade was a 4/5 because a lot of people (ngl me too😭) flopped their speaking exam & we did listening in the hall (I COULDN’T EVEN HEAR IT🙁🙁), I know im capable of getting higher in French so any tips are welcome!
I really hope I can maintain these grades and do even better in the real exam, and without further ado, let the grind begin‼️