The Student Room Group

Careers after Degree apprenticeship Vs degree from more prestigious uni

I recently received offers from imperial college and a degree apprenticeship offer from Rolls Royce (both in materials science) I know that both offer very different lifestyles but which do you think will lead to the best long term career outcomes and career mobility (I have always had a fear of closing doors so would like to keep options open in finance or consultancy.) I have also considered taking a STEM bursary from the RAF which would fund my university degree at imperial in return for me serving 4 years as an engineering officer.
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Original post by Athilo
I recently received offers from imperial college and a degree apprenticeship offer from Rolls Royce (both in materials science) I know that both offer very different lifestyles but which do you think will lead to the best long term career outcomes and career mobility (I have always had a fear of closing doors so would like to keep options open in finance or consultancy.) I have also considered taking a STEM bursary from the RAF which would fund my university degree at imperial in return for me serving 4 years as an engineering officer.

Your long-term career in materials isn't really dictated by your university, as real-world experience relatively quickly supersedes educational qualifications. However, the degree - particularly from Imperial - may better enable moving into other sectors, such as the ones you've mentioned, after gradation.

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