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AQA A-level Physics Paper 1 (7408/1) - 24th May 2024 [Exam Chat]

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How did your AQA A-level Physics Paper 1 exam go?

Great 12%
Quite well 43%
Not so good 34%
Terribly 11%
Total votes: 1288
AQA A-level Physics Paper 1 (7408/1) - 24th May 2024 [Exam Chat]

Welcome to the exam discussion thread for this exam. Introduce yourself! Let others know what you're aiming for in your exams, what you are struggling with in your revision or anything else.

Wishing you all the best of luck. :yy:

General Information
Date/Time: 24th May, am
Length: 2hr


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Reply 1
hopefully wont be like 2023 paper 😭
Original post by Engaa
hopefully wont be like 2023 paper 😭

Hopefully, because that paper was bad from what I’ve seen students and teachers say.
Reply 3
Original post by Talkative Toad
Hopefully, because that paper was bad from what I’ve seen students and teachers say.

bad is an understatement
icl 2023 papers seem to have been much harder not just for physics. no clue whats gonna happen this year
Original post by Engaa
bad is an understatement
icl 2023 papers seem to have been much harder not just for physics. no clue whats gonna happen this year

For AQA specifically or all exam boards?
Reply 5
Original post by Talkative Toad
For AQA specifically or all exam boards?

i know the edexcel further maths was harder, same with some ocr subjects
Original post by Engaa
i know the edexcel further maths was harder, same with some ocr subjects

I see
Reply 8
Original post by Talkative Toad
AQA A-level Physics Paper 1 (7408/1) - 24th May 2024 [Exam Chat]
Welcome to the exam discussion thread for this exam. Introduce yourself! Let others know what you're aiming for in your exams, what you are struggling with in your revision or anything else.
Wishing you all the best of luck. :yy:
General Information
Date/Time: 24th May, am
Length: 2hr

How's everyone been revising so far???
Original post by Engaa
bad is an understatement
icl 2023 papers seem to have been much harder not just for physics. no clue whats gonna happen this year

I disagree - I do Edexcel FM, chem OCR and maths AQA along with physics and all those 3 seemed to be easier - it was just physics that was much harder
Reply 10
Original post by Talkative Toad
Hopefully, because that paper was bad from what I’ve seen students and teachers say.

as someone who sat the 2023 exam series and now has to resit because of it, i'd say it was really bad and that the paper this time will be back to the average paper, if not a bit easier. Exam boards (AQA in my case) don't want schools to switch and therefore the papers will be easier this year.
Original post by amanalam1
as someone who sat the 2023 exam series and now has to resit because of it, i'd say it was really bad and that the paper this time will be back to the average paper, if not a bit easier. Exam boards (AQA in my case) don't want schools to switch and therefore the papers will be easier this year.

Facts, but I don’t trust AQA, every year they **** up and they are my least favourite exam board and in my opinion the most incompetent one.
Reply 12
Original post by talkative toad
Facts, but I don’t trust AQA, every year they **** up and they are my least favourite exam board and in my opinion the most incompetent one.

Oh I agree fully, it's just that so many schools were thinking about switching the OCR and Edexcel after last year's AQA physics exams, that they have to tone it down. I mean it was already announced that for paper 3A they're going to put what practical the question is relating to. I think the papers will leave people feeling good, until they realise the grade boundaries will be high. Usually I'd say the 3rd year after a bad exam is when they get it right. Last year being year 1 and this year being year 2
(edited 9 months ago)
Original post by amanalam1
Oh I agree fully, it's just that so many schools were thinking about switching the OCR and Edexcel after last year's AQA physics exams, that they have to tone it down. I mean it was already announced that for paper 3A they're going to put what practical the question is relating to. I think the papers will leave people feeling good, until they realise the grade boundaries will be high. Usually I'd say the 3rd year after a bad exam is when they get it right. Last year being year 1 and this year being year 2

Where has AQA stated this? Re paper 3A.
(edited 9 months ago)
Reply 15
How is everyone studying for it?
I feel useless just doing past papers over and over.
Reply 16
Original post by Talkative Toad
AQA A-level Physics Paper 1 (7408/1) - 24th May 2024 [Exam Chat]
Welcome to the exam discussion thread for this exam. Introduce yourself! Let others know what you're aiming for in your exams, what you are struggling with in your revision or anything else.
Wishing you all the best of luck. :yy:
General Information
Date/Time: 24th May, am
Length: 2hr

How is everyone studying?
I feel useless doing papers over and over again
Reply 17
Original post by Pariskes
How is everyone studying for it?
I feel useless just doing past papers over and over.

Honestly just do practice questions as well, revisely, physics and maths tutor. As this familiarise yourself with mark schemes and examiner reports so you learn how to answer questions the way examiners want
Reply 18
Hey I need an A in physics and did a past paper the other day and got a B but 2 marks off an A :// getting rly worried as idk what to do to improve further!! I've tried so many questions by topic but I feel like the more recent qs 2016-2021 on the new spec are sm harder than older ones were and im rly struggling w some of them! Anyone have any advice? Thanks!

Thanks for this, I’m skeptical given the exam board’s track record on this sort of thing but at least they’ve somewhat acknowledged the problem.
(edited 9 months ago)