The Student Room Group

Are these bad mock results?

my mock results were

eng lit: 7
eng lang: 9
maths: 8
biology: 6
chemistry: 9
physics: 8
rs: 6 (paper 1: 3, paper 2: 9)
history: 8
graphic communications: 7
german: 7 (1 mark away from an 8)
drama: 3

so all in all, 99888777663
which i don't think is too bad for mocks

i'm really struggling with drama, but i'm getting help from my teacher with it. rs i got a 9 on paper 2 and i think if i were to do another paper 1 now i'd do much better - my teacher again helped me with extra revision. but i've seen lots of people in here with way higher grades than me, and people saying that 8s and 7s aren't that good. i'm in year 11, so gcses in two months, and i'm doing maths, physics, and chemistry for a level. i'm doing lots of revision for biology too, and i've not done a mock for that in a while

so basically, i'm doing lots of work on my weaker subjects, but should i be doing more to raise those grade 7s and 8s?
Reply 1
Looking at what you’ve got on the mocks alone so far you’re doing brilliantly- you just remember that grades 7 and 8s are also As but if you were concerned (which I don’t think you should be) then you could do some exam practice for them. Other than that - universities (if that’s what you want to do after a-levels) only really care about what you get with your a-levels so I think you’ll have nothing to worry about at the minute
Original post by lxstdaisy
Looking at what you’ve got on the mocks alone so far you’re doing brilliantly- you just remember that grades 7 and 8s are also As but if you were concerned (which I don’t think you should be) then you could do some exam practice for them. Other than that - universities (if that’s what you want to do after a-levels) only really care about what you get with your a-levels so I think you’ll have nothing to worry about at the minute

thank you so much. i'm honestly fairly stressed about what unis will think
Reply 3
Original post by planets-&-stars
thank you so much. i'm honestly fairly stressed about what unis will think

No problem! Only really start stressing about uni once you’ve started a-levels - as long as you’re revising consistently throughout then you’ll be absolutely fine - I’ve got my A-level exams coming up and I haven’t revised so much but friends who have done are feeling fine 👌
thank you, that's such a relief. and good luck with your exams - i'm sure you'll smash them :smile:

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