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AQA A Level Geography Paper 1 (7037/1) - 16th May 2024 [Exam Chat]

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How did your AQA A Level Geography Paper 1 exam go?

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Not so good 19%
Quite well 46%
Terribly 9%
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AQA A Level Geography Paper 1 (7037/1) - 16th May 2024 [Exam Chat]

Welcome to the exam discussion thread for this exam. Introduce yourself! Let others know what you're aiming for in your exams, what you are struggling with in your revision or anything else.

Wishing you all the best of luck. :yy:

General Information
Date/Time: 16th May/ AM
Length: 2h 30m

AQA A Level Geography
(edited 10 months ago)

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Hi, I'm flowersinmyhair and I am aiming for a B in geography. I prefer the physical side of the course but I am better at the human side. I find memorising the different processes that take place in physical geography quite difficult which is where I tend to lose the most marks.
Reply 2
Anyone know where to get good resources for Geography. Also does anyone know where to find a better specification the one provided by AQA seems really waffly.
Anyone know where to get good resources for Geography. Also does anyone know where to find a better specification the one provided by AQA seems really waffly.
The CGP revision guide is good. I don't think there is a better spec honestly though.
Reply 4
Original post by flowersinmyhair
The CGP revision guide is good. I don't think there is a better spec honestly though.

thanks bro
Reply 5
Hey guys! How many hours of revision a night are you doing for geography? I'm just trying to work out if I am revising more or less than people from other schools. Thanks :smile:
Original post by Stdomingo
Hey guys! How many hours of revision a night are you doing for geography? I'm just trying to work out if I am revising more or less than people from other schools. Thanks :smile:
None at the moment lol, but I really need to get my head in the game. I think I will aim for somewhere between 30 minutes and an hour but I need to plan that out first.
Original post by flowersinmyhair
Hi, I'm flowersinmyhair and I am aiming for a B in geography. I prefer the physical side of the course but I am better at the human side. I find memorising the different processes that take place in physical geography quite difficult which is where I tend to lose the most marks.

I'm aiming for a B too, maybe an A if my coursework mark is good 🙂 I struggle with 20 mark questions, never got above 14
Original post by cupboardfrog
I'm aiming for a B too, maybe an A if my coursework mark is good 🙂 I struggle with 20 mark questions, never got above 14
I have little faith in my coursework so I'm relying on the exams. I find 20 markers vary quite a lot - I get anywhere from 7 marks to 18 lol
Reply 9
Original post by cupboardfrog
I'm aiming for a B too, maybe an A if my coursework mark is good 🙂 I struggle with 20 mark questions, never got above 14

I'm aiming for a B too realistically but hoping for an A and same I sometimes struggle with 20 markers as well also what revision resource do you guys use? I can't find any other stuff apart from watching the curious geographer on YT, savemyexams and PMT
hiii, does anyone have any predictions for the upcoming exam and key areas to focus revision on?
Original post by Sushiiiiiiii
hiii, does anyone have any predictions for the upcoming exam and key areas to focus revision on?

my teacher was saying that carbon hasnt come up for a 20 marker in a long time, the past few years its been focussed on water so its likely the 20 marker will be something to do with that
but they can literally do anything 🥲
Original post by cupboardfrog
my teacher was saying that carbon hasnt come up for a 20 marker in a long time, the past few years its been focussed on water so its likely the 20 marker will be something to do with that
but they can literally do anything 🥲

Thankyouuuu!!! Yeahh that's so truee, who knows the 2024 exam could literally have the most random questions on the paper. how are exams in 2 weeks?????
(edited 9 months ago)
Reply 13
Original post by cupboardfrog
my teacher was saying that carbon hasnt come up for a 20 marker in a long time, the past few years its been focussed on water so its likely the 20 marker will be something to do with that
but they can literally do anything 🥲

obv carbon could come up again but wasn’t last years on the carbon budget and rainforests?
Original post by maxchri
obv carbon could come up again but wasn’t last years on the carbon budget and rainforests?
I think it was because I did that paper as a mock
Reply 15
Original post by Talkative Toad

AQA A Level Geography Paper 1 (7037/1) - 16th May 2024 [Exam Chat]
Welcome to the exam discussion thread for this exam. Introduce yourself! Let others know what you're aiming for in your exams, what you are struggling with in your revision or anything else.
Wishing you all the best of luck. :yy:
General Information
Date/Time: 16th May/ AM
Length: 2h 30m
AQA A Level Geography

Hey my names Attidah and I’m aiming for a B
Reply 16
Original post by Stdomingo
Hey guys! How many hours of revision a night are you doing for geography? I'm just trying to work out if I am revising more or less than people from other schools. Thanks :smile:

I do about 2 for physical and 1 for human
Original post by Attidah
Hey my names Attidah and I’m aiming for a B

hii since there is just over a week left until paper 1, what do you think I should focus my revision on?
Original post by Sushiiiiiiii
hii since there is just over a week left until paper 1, what do you think I should focus my revision on?
Your weaker areas of the physical paper, practise questions and past papers

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